Tag Archives: condemnation

The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

preachingatvillageThe man stood at the front of the second floor church assembly. I noticed that the wall had been removed to make more room. I was putting additional chairs in the room, making more room for people. There was a part of me that was feeling an undercurrent of something was “wrong” but honestly I was finding myself too busy taking care of getting people seated and everything squared away. Finally the last chair was in place. People were coming in and I sat to the side. Continue reading The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Have You Thought This Out?

leejohndrowteamI think one of the biggest questions in the kingdom ought be this when it comes to the idea of questionable or unusual behavior. I also think the response to it determines what is really going on.

Have you thought this out?

I am finding in the midst of an increased understanding of grace an increase of resentment and rejection of correction. I say this is not a response to religion but a revealed immaturity. Continue reading Have You Thought This Out?

Where Have All The Birdies Gone?

growingupMy frustration

Today I was in a meeting for work and the question on the table was, “what is your major frustration?” My answer was a simple, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” My reason was simple. It seemed like the idea of a “simple” sale (One that didn’t need extra parts, special efforts or more.) was beyond me. Each sale seemed to require extra forms and effort to get it all together. I was fast coming to a place of “melt down”. Too many things were being required and each time I thought I had a pathway, a different route was required. Continue reading Where Have All The Birdies Gone?

Family-Not Always Easy But Always Worth It!

leejohndrowteamThe Family

Today is a pretty typical weekend in my life. Grandchildren laying around various floors on sleeping bags and bags of clothes and such piled high in corners. Before the weekend is over I will see other grandchildren, some of their friends and many of my children. The weekend with grandkids will include swimming, walking, games, some B&W TV and of course food! There will be the “normal” weekend things as well of getting to our church fellowship on time, where a whole ‘nother set of family is. Continue reading Family-Not Always Easy But Always Worth It!

A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders

barbwire(Sounds like the work at the cross.)

Last night I was in a large cafeteria much like the one I was in when I was a child. The large tables folded up to be put to the side. They were big. A group of friends were with me and we were sitting at a table neared the end. The last table had a group of young men perhaps 12-15 years of age. They sat on both sides of the table and the group was perhaps 8 or 9 of them. Continue reading A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders

Big Brother Is Watching You!

conspiracyHa! You thought I was going to talk about the 200 million emails a day the NSA has been watching. No, what I want to talk about is even more insidious, darker and more sinister. Mindsets!

A few weeks ago I prophesied romance is in the air. That this is the year for many who have sat, waiting. Thinking life has passed them by and God forgot their number. I have recently prophesied increase for some, respite for others, restoration of family and more. These are all what most of would say are good things to speak, to desire to see occur in people’s lives. Yet some were disturbed and let me know. Continue reading Big Brother Is Watching You!

Enjoying The Body of Christ

wedding 033Despite tech issues, I was simply reminded life is not all that serious.

Yesterday I had a simply great day with friends and family at our church gathering in New Hampshire. The music was great and the people were friendly and fun to be with. The message my friend Scott delivered was a joy to hear.

I know for many, church is not always a fun place to be. Words of condemnation coupled with guilt, pain and other hurtful feelings can often keep you from the very place of understanding and joy God has for you. I have to say my church gathering is a joy to be around. (I also need to say not all church was like that for me.) Continue reading Enjoying The Body of Christ

Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

2012-04-22_08-03-20_978I often am giving thought to the “whys” of life. I look for God’s purpose in each situation. I want to hear from Him. I was the kid who never stopped asking questions.  One of those thoughts often has to do with how we “make things better.” I am concerned about the folks who are not plugged into God. Perhaps they never heard. Perhaps what they heard was false and ingenuous.  That bothers me. We are the church. And with that…

I think a lot about those who “walked” away from the Lord. The reason for my quotes in the previous sentence is that for the believer who has accepted Christ, how do you walk away? Does the circumcision by God (In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, Colossians 2:11) done in you get restored? Is He going to put it back on? Continue reading Around The Edges – A Look At Two Sides

Word Of Destiny #6 For The Single Unwed Parent

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667My heart is often broken for the child born into a broken home. But it also goes out to the mom and or dad who is in this mess. Children born out of wedlock have a place in the kingdom as do the single mom or dad. People make mistakes. People hurt one another.

It is the love of the Father that calls them into His place. My own grandchildren understand that. When my daughter felt she could take no more, my wife and I stepped in. Continue reading Word Of Destiny #6 For The Single Unwed Parent

Three Dreams July 26th 2013

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

Last night I was in the dream “washing” machine. Dream after dream. Thought after thought. These are three that I thought were relevant.

1-The first dream I found myself avoiding those who had evil thoughts for my life. In my possession, I had the secrets of a world to come on a 9” floppy disk.  (Upon waking my first thought, was my grandson’s digital watch holds more information!) “Detrimental truths” of the goodness of the Lord were upon it. The realities of Christ described. Continue reading Three Dreams July 26th 2013