This is my final piece in the mentoring series. I hope you have enjoyed them. Feel free to share them. Thankful for all that went before me and all that will come after me! Continue reading Spiritual Parenting Is Passing It Forward
Tag Archives: Wisdom
Finding Trusted Counsel
One of my gifts is that of teaching people to hear from God. My sincere question to someone describing a dream, vision or something else and asking me my thoughts, is “What is God saying to you about this?” Because at the end of the day it may in fact have more value and more insight then the best prophetic word you can receive. Only the other day a “pre-believer” asked me about hearing from God. In the beginning you may be unsure. You may not even be sure. But, I would say to you God truly has you on speed dial and is looking for you to answer and hear His voice. Continue reading Finding Trusted Counsel
If You Make It…You Will Change The World
Last night I had three dreams. Each one was about manufacturing, about making something. Three dreams about various aspects. So, I will share the last first. Continue reading If You Make It…You Will Change The World
Just A Garden Variety Kind Of Person
As a child one of my enjoyments was working in a garden. My parents loved to garden and it rubbed off on me. At one point I was working for a handicapped man down the street who taught me how to raise vegetables, strawberries and the like. All summer long he sat in a chair at the edge of the garden and coached me. “Put more manure in the base of that hole!” he would shout across the garden. And during that summer I watched magnificent produce come from that garden. Squash and beans and lettuce and spinach. I was amazed as I recalled the seeds that came out of jars from the past year’s harvest. And the strawberries! I would pick quart upon quart and 25¢ a basket just saying “grow!” so that I would receive more money and more work. It didn’t matter how hot it was. It was just an incredible existence. Each day I would head to his little farm, to feed the chickens, pick up eggs and go pick the first strawberries of the day. Later in the summer I would pick vegetables for hours so that he would sell them. Each fall we would collect the leftovers and he and his wife would gather the seeds for the next year’s plantings. Continue reading Just A Garden Variety Kind Of Person
The Big Hill…
When I was perhaps 3 or 4 years old, my parents bought me a pair of little skis. Perhaps not more than 18 inches long, I would climb up on the snow banks the plows had created. These were probably no more than 8 feet high, but they were icy and after many sit down starts, I was able to manage.
But then one day I eyed the roof our porch and naturally my imagination thought how amazing that would be to travel down. So, one afternoon, I got the ladder out of my dad’s garage and moved it over to the porch. A few close calls as the ladder rocked, but I was able to get up on the roof. Though, it wasn’t a steep pitch, it was more than enough to provide the ride of a life time. As I sailed off into the air, I was excited. Moments later as the wind was knocked out of me and I hurt so bad I could not breathe or cry.
As life rolls on that which is “big” in our eyes becomes smaller with age, maturity and experience. With each step we make our “mountains” smaller, bringing home the idea that we must press on. Continue reading The Big Hill…
I Hear The Sounds Of Abundance
I was taking a shower this morning and as the water bounced off the walls they began to get “louder”. I heard the words “the sounds of abundance”. Immediately my mind was turned to the following verses.
1 Kings 18:41 Now Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower.” 42 So Ahab went up to eat and drink. But Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees.… Continue reading I Hear The Sounds Of Abundance
Look Out For The Destiny Breakers
As a prophetic voice, I find that I am often calling out the destiny, the calling and the purpose in people’s lives. I am looking for the gold in the middle of their life. So often that “gold” is buried under the dirt of not understanding the value of their life. “Why would God want me” is a question I often walk into. “How could God use me?”
Often the dirt that needs to be removed has to do with circumstances and people who have left them broken on the “trash pile” of life. Continue reading Look Out For The Destiny Breakers
Show Up, Go Up, Grow Up And Sow Up
A few days the Lord revealed a phrase. I thought I was going to share it some place specific. But so far not yet. I even thought I would write about it before now, but that was not the case either. Up early this morn and thinking so we shall see what happens.
Originally I heard “go up, grow up and sow up” I thought and I guess it is important not to blow up or throw up! As I meditated on it and said it out loud I heard different things. In the beginning I thought the “sow up” was to give something tangible “upward” but the more I contemplated it the more I realized it was likely to mean complete something to result in being “all sown up”. Continue reading Show Up, Go Up, Grow Up And Sow Up
A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love
Two dream settings
One was a school room for a get together of friends from a church I was involved in. In the dream people were invited to the gathering with the concept that our “agenda” was to love people. The difficulty came as we sat at tables to talk. After a while people began to walk out. They wanted teaching!
People went outside and finally returned after being upset that there was no “agenda”. Even in the re-announcement of what the purpose was people were disappointed that not more revelation was going to be given. (Funny they went outside to be “friends” with one another.)
The second dream was like a very large school. Huge areas, lots of students. But while I was walking around I sensed this shift. A very clear division had begun to arise. What was supposed to be two sides of playing together began to turn very ugly. As I headed towards the stairs a young man with a rifle appeared and began to cut off my entrance to the open stairway. He came right at me and ran into me pushing me to the side. Others began to fight. Continue reading A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love
A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice
In one of my dreams a person had multiple choices before them and the words, “Caesar, Caesar” were being shouted out to them. Upon awakening, I came to the conclusion that the words were really “seize her” pointing out the answer to a choice.
When I was young I was told the story of a dog with two bones. In a nutshell it comes down to choices. The dog could not decide on which bone to choose, so it chooses none and does not eat. Too often in life we have a choice. Continue reading A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice