Tag Archives: government

Who Is Running The Show?


lee1-150x150.jpgAn attack on ministry?

No this is not a political statement. Nor is it a word of destruction. I am not talking about the recent shooting in the church or any other shooting or death.

This morning at about 3 I was awakened from a dream. (Not only awakened, but spent the rest of the morning, mulling over it.) Continue reading Who Is Running The Show?

Removing Darkness For Goodness’ Sake

leejohndrowteamThis morning I went through some technology frustration. This program would not shut off. Another would not respond. Things did not work the way I had planned or the way they ought to. So, I find myself running a little later than normal. Delays are great opportunities to see patience worked out in one’s life! Continue reading Removing Darkness For Goodness’ Sake

Controversy Can Lead To Solutions

brightThis morning while pondering thoughts, events and such, I began to think on the following. Before I begin I want to establish “this is opinion” and not to be construed to be teaching or doctrine. (I do not want my phone pinging through worship this morning!) Continue reading Controversy Can Lead To Solutions

A Snippet Can Tip It

preachingatvillageYesterday I came home from work to see my wife had hung a bunch of pictures, paintings and photos. I had seen them years before but the last few years since the loss of our home it has been low on the priority list to hang anything up and they were in a closet. So I found it pretty cool. (A while ago someone gave me a word about hanging pictures. I wish I remembered who, but I see they were right.) I looked at them and thought about origins and beginnings. A few years ago I described prophecy as “pictures on the wall”. Jacob came in and he was impressed with Tina’s work as well Continue reading A Snippet Can Tip It

Jesus Has A Plan For That

2014-05-03 13.25.11I watched and read of the votes, waking up to a changed political landscape. But I ask you…is it really changed? I long ago began to feel that their world (Meaning politics) is not my world. I could give you all the information on why that is so , but I will not. On the other hand there are some changers in Congress, the Senate and other offices about the nation worthy of looking at. Continue reading Jesus Has A Plan For That

If You Make It…You Will Change The World

What if...
What if…

Last night I had three dreams. Each one was about manufacturing, about making something. Three dreams about various aspects. So, I will share the last first. Continue reading If You Make It…You Will Change The World

Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

2014-05-16 18.40.52The other day I wrote about the word turnaround and how I saw a top to bottom overturn in so many areas. I saw things changing governmentally, economically. Many had this “first” response. “It’s easy to say what you can not see. Anybody can do that.” I believe everyone can do that, but I do not believe everyone wants to or thinks it right to do so. I am not looking to be justified in the accuracy of a word in the next 10 minutes or 10 days. Continue reading Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

Nameless, Faceless, Placeless? Keep Watching!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

(Over the last couple of days I wrote two articles on the tactics of the enemy. The first was on disconnection in the body and the second on the attack of health.)

The last few days I have written two articles on the tactics of the enemy. Even as I wrote about the weapons of the enemy being disconnection and attacks against health, there has been a lifting of the “darkness” that has impacted lives. I won’t lie when I suggest it feels like “too little, too late” on some levels. Some people have gone on to be with the Lord. Others have incurred huge medical bills, lost touch with friends and family. And I am angry! Angry at the work of the enemy and his deceptions hurting people. Continue reading Nameless, Faceless, Placeless? Keep Watching!

Losing Wait Is A Light Thing

fearThe low flying helicopter was seen far out on the water. The people on the shore were shouting to the men starting the helicopter on the shore, “shut it off! It’s the DEA!” I barely had time to gather my stuff and they were leading me into a warehouse. Everywhere I looked was merchandise. But not drugs from what I could see. Household goods, supplies and such were everywhere.

Once again I found myself in a dream that kept going all night. Be taking here and there I was traveled about in limos and large black town cars. I awoke this morning and let me tell you, I felt like I had been “up” all night. I never remember “waking” up here, but I was awake all the time in the dream. Continue reading Losing Wait Is A Light Thing

The Overlook In Your Life

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

While heading for the caffeine IV this morning I felt the nudge of the Lord. A simple word, overlook, opened up. It appeared. I began to think about it.

On a personal level, I felt the Lord saying there is an “overlook” or overlooked concept, application or method or action I had not implemented. I sat there for a moment and was reminded of my grandson’s prayer last night as he does with me when he is before bed. He often prays for his father, his mom to get work, all the people to be healed and such. Last night there was twist. He prayed that I would raise my mother and father from the dead. (Not really a stretch when you think Jesus’s death released people buried. Matthew 27:51-53) Wow! Teach them to believe for the impossible and… Continue reading The Overlook In Your Life