Stuck In The Mud?

2014-11-29 15.23.20This weekend brought a lot of a lot of fond memories to the forefront. Memories of family. Thanksgivings gone past. A lot of new memories were discovered and made as well. The Christmas tree went up and there was hot chocolate and popcorn, family and friends.

Family always has its own set of challenges as well. Those challenges can range from disagreements and misunderstandings to the hard ones like sickness, death or disaster. But if you are to implement the goodness of God to the children coming up, you will have to learn to hang in there. To not check out when the going gets tough. Continue reading Stuck In The Mud?

Willing To Change

paultimothysilasYesterday while taking a day off, a friend and I connected. We agreed to grab lunch. We have been friends for a long time but with my new job, there are not the times to get together there once was.

We got there and sat down. Our conversation was all over the place and focused. But at one point we began to talk about my writing and my blog.I asked him straight up his thoughts and he provided them. Some I understood, others I had no clue and still others I had to get clarification on. Continue reading Willing To Change

Oh No. They Went…Shopping!

2013-12-20 17.14.38You and I may never agree. In fact, if we do not agree, it simply reminds me of the uniqueness God has placed inside of each of us. Sure I would like you to agree with me, but it is not necessarily the basis of our friendship, fellowship or familyship.

And yet daily each of has the ability to incur the wrath of someone who disagrees. Continue reading Oh No. They Went…Shopping!

The Lost, The Lonely, The Loveless

alyssacamera 004In the dream my wife and I were asked to minister in a town in Connecticut. We drove down there and had arranged for some of our team to join us later. Before the church gathering we were to meet the minister at a school in the area. We arrived and pulled up to the school. Like any school, there was a number of students crossing from one section to another. Some going to their cars. We pulled open the front door and went to the office to sign in. We were escorted to the gymnasium. Continue reading The Lost, The Lonely, The Loveless

Stop, Look And Listen… It’s Coming!

donttalkWisdom and revelation

I sat here this morning and read the news. Ferguson, Cosby and Gruber. At first, I thought what is in a name. (A whole path in itself.) But because I had been up early thinking about a particular topic I thought I had a glimmer of where I might head. Reading the news just convinced me “why let facts get in the way”. A former publisher, I had witnessed one too many “why let truth get in the way of a good story”. Continue reading Stop, Look And Listen… It’s Coming!

A Chosen Generation – Chosen By God

cass1Four times they invited me over to sit in and play drums. Four times I politely declined. But there was something about the music that was drawing me. I got up to go get a drink. And there it was. That bass line that need fill. That guitar solo that cried out. I watched the guys as they played and when they played those segments of music, they looked over to me, as if to say “please”. As I walked back with the bottle of water, I felt myself drawn to the drums. Continue reading A Chosen Generation – Chosen By God

A New City Of Refuge

MarcelI woke up this morning thinking about influence. Maybe more about what determines it than anything else. For me, I truly believe in where you are determines not just “quality” of life but what you find in influence.

First, let me quickly show you what influence is. It is defined this way. “The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.” That is the noun and we mostly will stay there. The verb really in most cases talks about changing something. Influencing someone to change for instance. Continue reading A New City Of Refuge

Your Now Has Yet To Meet With Heaven’s Wow

Tyler & Emily Wedding
Tyler & Emily Wedding

Yesterday my son and his wife purchased their first home. On so many levels this is a miracle. Anyone who remembers the fateful day in December of 2001, knows that for him to be walking, talking, married with child and to purchase a home is in fact simply miraculous. Continue reading Your Now Has Yet To Meet With Heaven’s Wow

When Love Is The Answer…

2013-12-20 17.14.38Jacob said good night to me and turned to my wife and said “he is easy to love”. I thought to myself as I came downstairs, is that not what being more “like” Jesus is. In a world where life is seemingly getting harder, there needs to be more love.

My daughter Amy wrote this on her Facebook wall yesterday. “Is what you do daily making a positive impact on people? Are you leaving behind a legacy? Is what we consume our time with all worth it? Questions to ask yourself. Realizing that being busy all the time isn’t helping to live a life with purpose. Food for thought.” Continue reading When Love Is The Answer…