Category Archives: Blogposts

Uncovering Treasure Is A Sign

leejohndrowteamI am a serious history buff. My mom was a dynamic history and English teacher and all her love for history rubbed off on me. My mom did not just “teach”us history, she would “show” us history. She would load us in the family car and drive us to Boston, Philadelphia or Plymouth. She would take us to museums and historic sites. I “lived” history and to this day that is my approach.

My wife got got recently “hooked” on this TV series about treasure hunting in the ocean, turning up sunken ships and submarines and pulling treasure out of them. It is kind of ironic that today I found myself reading this headline. 1,000 Ounces Of Gold Recovered From 1857 Shipwreck. The second I saw the headline, things starting pinging on my “radar”. I knew there was something prophetic, something hidden. I began to do my research. When I saw the headlines, my mind began to to see the recovery of wealth that was coming. Continue reading Uncovering Treasure Is A Sign

People Need People To Grow

leejohndrowteamWithout community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dorothy Height

Last night I was fortunate to be able to celebrate a friend’s birthday at a local restaurant. A few of us gathered together together, surprising her. (Her husband had planned it!) It was amazing. As the conversations moved about the table, the friendships strengthened and the community advanced. Community is formed by relationships. As people’s lives overlap others, the community forms and advances. Continue reading People Need People To Grow

Don’t Let Your Dreams Be Stolen

leejohndrowteamToo often we see ourselves changed by situations and circumstances. It is somewhat like being in a car traveling and a large gust of wind comes up, causing a change, even minor, in direction. Or you are traveling in icy weather and the car slides in a direction you had not expected. Oops! What I thought I was doing has changed. Sometimes dramatically. Sometimes it seems like there is no other way to get back to the place you were. Continue reading Don’t Let Your Dreams Be Stolen

Will I Love?

Jacob 002Today is Sunday. My friends have already joked “May the fourth be with you”. Me, I have never been much of a sci-fi person. My dreams, my life, are pretty weird to begin with, so the idea of going to see something weird, well, I am just not there. Continue reading Will I Love?

Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

Prophesying over my friends.
Prophesying over my friends.

Last night one of my dreams put me in a place of contention with a friend over the world, economics and the topic of bankruptcy versus redemption. He was telling me that in the process of his loss he had been able to develop a process of redemption rather than bankruptcy allowing him and his wife to move ahead.

Now, as I awoke I thought about it. First, the reality of it. (Could not validate his point.) Then on to his points. Continue reading Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

On My Own – Seasons Of Greatness

2014-03-15 11.16.51“Dad, please let me drive the boat,” I asked. I was 8 years old and my parents had a new boat. A 16 foot aluminum boat with a 50 horsepower motor. “Please,” I begged. And then one day my father said “yes.” As soon as he said it, my mom picked her stuff up off the cement platform that the boathouse rolled out on. She told my father he was “crazy.” (She later told me she went up in the woods to pray.) I jumped into the boat, hardly listening to my father’s instructions. The next beach over was a private beach owned by a motel. The people looked over as I climbed into the driver’s seat. Continue reading On My Own – Seasons Of Greatness

April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Last night I had the opportunity of being with some close friends. We talked about supernatural and spiritual things. I was sharing some of the things that many might think “crazy” but only in the church do we spend time “cataloging” sins, experiences, etc.. So many are more concerned with the deception they might encounter that they miss out on the experiences God might produce. I know God. I am not “worried” about being deceived. Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. If it were possible!

Continue reading April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

preachingatvillageLast night was a dream night. It was kind of like going to a bunch of different amusement parks. First an island adventure, then to the Middle East and then somewhere in Southeast Asia. Funny, I do not go to bed with those places on my mind for the most part. Occasionally before falling asleep I will pray for a place, but usually I am “programming” for answers, for encounters. So, going places and seeing people is not something I “look” for. Continue reading Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

Dejected? Discouraged? It Is Time To Say “No More”

leejohndrowteamHave you ever been down? Felt dejected or discouraged. And then someone tosses you the scripture about “righteousness, peace and joy” or “why so downcast o’ my soul?” Yep, I sure have been there.

In my earlier life I was severely prone to depression. I was treated medically for depression. I was suicidal at one dark time in my life that ended me up in the hospital for 90 days. The loss, the gun, the whole darkness. I battled suicide for years. Even in the beginning years of my Christianity I was tied to depression and sought the answers in Him while being medicated with a cabinet full of meds. And then one day I said “no more. I have nothing to lose”. I walked away. Continue reading Dejected? Discouraged? It Is Time To Say “No More”

Read The News, Change The World!

leejohndrowteamAs I read the news I see that we are “desperately” in need of change. As I listen to friends I see “how much I could be praying for”. Even in my own life I have “needs” or things that I would desire to be different. At some point I will carry my thinking up the stairs and into my room and spend time with Him. I have already spent some time with Him. He is my rock, my refuge, my peace.

I read on the burning topics of the day; economy, racism, finance and pain. I pray over the articles as I read through. I think like Radio Shack, “you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers”. People have pain, we have answers. I am not talking about platitudes or premises of false hope, but we have Him, the ANSWER! Continue reading Read The News, Change The World!