Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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The Need To Grow Up And Grow Forth

responsibilityVirtually everyone at one time or other has received a dream, a vision, a feeling or impression. The question is not that we receive but what we respond with. Continue reading The Need To Grow Up And Grow Forth

Leaving Lasting Impressions

leejohndrowteamToday my grandson Jacob will head back to his home after being here over a week. Honestly, upon getting up and thinking on that, it caused me sadness. For me, having him here has been a real joy. We have talked about everything from food, to God, fun and work this week. Children. Innocence. Laughter. (Yesterday morning he woke up early so we could hang out before I went off to work.)Because of him being here a lot of things went undone. Continue reading Leaving Lasting Impressions

A Simpler Time

leejohndrowteamLast night as I went to say goodnight to Jacob, I looked down at a sock monkey someone had made for me a few years ago. I picked it up and brought it downstairs. I left it on the chair. I went back up to pray with Jacob and Tina and returned to the couch downstairs. I sat there and thought about children and the similarities between how I would want my children treated. How God treats me. I sat there and looked at the sock monkey. (As a child I thought a particular sock monkey was God. Not sure why. But I did. Telling the story one day, a lady gave me a new one.) Continue reading A Simpler Time

Personal Responsibility Belongs To Someone

leejohndrowteamWhile much of the news and social media feeds is consumed with thoughts on bad movies, yoga pants and Speedos, the fact of the matter ought to go all the way back to the simple question of why. Why do we flame others over their thoughts and opinions? Why do we care? And maybe we can jump to “how did they arrive at that thought” or conclusion. Continue reading Personal Responsibility Belongs To Someone

Bringing Family To The Forefront

brightI can reminisce about the days of my youth. Not even how much more agile or able to do more things I was, but the time and the season in my life where life was dear. Where the pace of life was different unless you chose to speed it up. Would I not want children to spend less time in front of a TV screen or imagine life without a cell phone in favor of being outside? Now understand, I value technology, but I do not value our response to it. Anymore than I appreciate one sided reporting or the drama of a storm. I can bemoan the fact that people are too knowledgeable yet lacking in common sense. That we have chosen safety over reality in so many cases. That we have allowed ourselves to be regulated into a corner. Or be concerned that simple education has become so simple that it seems like everyone must pass or else. Continue reading Bringing Family To The Forefront

Hearing For The Family Fantastic

leejohndrowteamLast night our home group was on the topic of Hearing God For Your Family. Frankly it is an emotional topic because we came from family! Perhaps in your mind it was non-existent but somehow some way there was a parent or two, which means grandparents. Family. Continue reading Hearing For The Family Fantastic

A Dose Of Humility Changes Things

2014-05-16 18.40.52Last night before falling asleep I was thinking about the folks I speak to about Jesus. The folks that I might invite to a church gathering. I found myself rolling with answers and thought process. Perhaps some of it was triggered by a few conversations yesterday. Continue reading A Dose Of Humility Changes Things

Merry Christmas To You!

2013-12-20 17.14.38Today as the gifts are opened and the food is eaten, there is still plenty of magic to go around.

Last night I attended our annual Christmas service and I watched the people come in, I thought what a wonderful time of the year. As I saw the people coming in, I saw the hugs and I saw the laughter. I also saw tears and bewilderment on some. “Why am I here?” “How long does this last?” I wandered around getting to as many as I had a chance, but at some point it gets too much because there are too many. It was beautiful. Continue reading Merry Christmas To You!