Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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Christmas Wrecks


leejohndrowteamThere was the sign “Christmas Wrecks”. It looked quiet enough, but as I walked onto the lot, I realized it was far from quiet. But as far as the word “wrecks” clearly it was appropriate.

The dream was 5 dreams deep. Each dream only brought me one dream closer to awaking. (I never had that happen that I remember.) I remember “awaking” at 3:30 and thinking “Christmas Rex?” But then I was swept into another level of the dream. (Wreck the halls…) Continue reading Christmas Wrecks

True Religion Is Freedom

leejohndrowteamSomething evil lurked under that mess in the middle. There was no smell, no odor, but there was a sense of “death”. It was like a seaweed. On top of the pile lay two birds that looked like pheasants. Around there neck were gold rings. This was a swimming pool. There were two “shallow ends” and over the deeper middle was this area where there was seaweed, the pheasants and something else. Continue reading True Religion Is Freedom

Sometimes In The Darkness…

2014-09-21 13.20.19Yesterday while driving down to visit my daughter in another state with my grandson, an accident caused me to make the decision to bypass rather than wait. (My alerts were showing up to 2 hour delays.)So, I got off the highway. My phone GPS tried to explain reason, but I went into the mode of “just keep moving south”. I began to take little back roads and side streets. I soon realized I had entered the “not so nice” section of the city. I saw signs of the difficulties of inner city unrest while viewing the poverty and brokenness. Fortunately there was but one “tense” moment and were soon back near the highway. We got to see some wonderful Christmas lights on the way out and the rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. Continue reading Sometimes In The Darkness…

A Hug Changes a Heart – Laughter Changes An Atmosphere

2014-08-09 13.57.03Last night a couple of young friends connected with me and ended up coming over to visit. If they only knew how much I “needed” it.

Perhaps it is the season and it is the enemy throwing junk down on people, but it has seemed like there is a lot going on in people’s lives. Maybe there is. Maybe we are more connected than we realize. But, when they said they were coming over, I was encouraged. Continue reading A Hug Changes a Heart – Laughter Changes An Atmosphere

T’is The Season To Be Stretched

leejohndrowteamThe last few days have been a challenge to say the least. In the business world life is determined by deadlines and performance, something often the antithesis of belief and following Christ. Despite my best shot at putting deadlines and “hurry up” on God He moves at his pace. Do I recognize the superiority of His knowledge and wisdom? Of course! Does that make it any easier? Not until you enter that place of peace, relax in His rest and grasp the goodness of God. Continue reading T’is The Season To Be Stretched

The Awkwardness Of An Age

alyssacamera 004Even in the darkness of the camping area there was no fear. Oh, there were the trees that formed shadows and the noises of the night that caused a check in my walk, but it was startling and not fear creating. I knew where I was going and not even in the darkness was I fearful.

I had a pretty interesting dream this morning. It vacillated between the innocence of being a child and the darkness that seemed to await those that wandered off the properties. It reminded me of Batman’s Gotham City, the camp I attended as a child(Keewaydin)and the reminder that while a child’s  life may be awkward it is but a season. Continue reading The Awkwardness Of An Age

What Is In Your Future?

leejohndrowteamA recent headline got me thinking about my past and my current state. It also revealed to me the hearts of folks.

Most folks are aware of my background pre-Christianity. The stores, the spells, the witchcraft. I can tell you my pathway to darkness of that caliber was not an “over night” thing. It began long before that. The culmination was a witch who became friends with my wife at the time and subsequently with me. Seriously, it was all down hill from there for many a year. Continue reading What Is In Your Future?

Willing To Change

paultimothysilasYesterday while taking a day off, a friend and I connected. We agreed to grab lunch. We have been friends for a long time but with my new job, there are not the times to get together there once was.

We got there and sat down. Our conversation was all over the place and focused. But at one point we began to talk about my writing and my blog.I asked him straight up his thoughts and he provided them. Some I understood, others I had no clue and still others I had to get clarification on. Continue reading Willing To Change

Oh No. They Went…Shopping!

2013-12-20 17.14.38You and I may never agree. In fact, if we do not agree, it simply reminds me of the uniqueness God has placed inside of each of us. Sure I would like you to agree with me, but it is not necessarily the basis of our friendship, fellowship or familyship.

And yet daily each of has the ability to incur the wrath of someone who disagrees. Continue reading Oh No. They Went…Shopping!

Your Now Has Yet To Meet With Heaven’s Wow

Tyler & Emily Wedding
Tyler & Emily Wedding

Yesterday my son and his wife purchased their first home. On so many levels this is a miracle. Anyone who remembers the fateful day in December of 2001, knows that for him to be walking, talking, married with child and to purchase a home is in fact simply miraculous. Continue reading Your Now Has Yet To Meet With Heaven’s Wow