Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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When Love Is The Answer…


2013-12-20 17.14.38Jacob said good night to me and turned to my wife and said “he is easy to love”. I thought to myself as I came downstairs, is that not what being more “like” Jesus is. In a world where life is seemingly getting harder, there needs to be more love.

My daughter Amy wrote this on her Facebook wall yesterday. “Is what you do daily making a positive impact on people? Are you leaving behind a legacy? Is what we consume our time with all worth it? Questions to ask yourself. Realizing that being busy all the time isn’t helping to live a life with purpose. Food for thought.” Continue reading When Love Is The Answer…

SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

The woman needed surgery. She was crying out for her doctor. Unfortunately, he was not able to operate, because he too was taken ill. His life style had lead him astray. Someone else was going to have to step in, but who? No one had his skills, his capabilities, his knowledge.

cowboyThe surgery was delayed and the woman died. The surgeon who was unable to operate was to be under surgery as well, but guilt ate at him over his inability to perform the surgery and he had a heart attack and died. Continue reading SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

For Those Who Have Gone Before Me- Thank You!

2014-05-16 18.40.52Thank a veteran.

Today is Veterans Day in the United States. A day for honoring the men and women of our armed service. A news blog wrote this. …the most productive thing anyone outside the military can do is actually very simple and easy, they say: Strike up a conversation with a veteran. Get to know one of them in a meaningful way. There is a wide cultural gap between Americans who have no relationship with the Armed Forces and those who’ve served their country. Closing that gap is as necessary as it is long overdue. Continue reading For Those Who Have Gone Before Me- Thank You!

God Focused – Family Centered


Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my family. I had my 3 of my grandchildren over as well as my daughter. A lot was going on. The funeral for a friend was one. Making sure I gave the children the time they needed and wanted. Getting ready for a turkey dinner was on the agenda and at one point I took them to look at the house my son and his wife are purchasing here in Keene. (And that lead to going around a looking at other homes for sale.) Finally we got home for dinner and a movie. Continue reading God Focused – Family Centered

Will They Know?

break chainI had someone tell me that people would not be pleased with my word about a particular subject. That the church would reject the word I gave. I have never found myself to care whether a word is rejected or accepted. What is more important to me is whether my community accepts me or rejects me. Whether they care about me. Like others I have made my share of mistakes and perhaps I will again. Actually, it is proved that if you are still breathing, making a mistake is high on the list! Continue reading Will They Know?

Love Overturns Mountains

What if...
What if…

While reading this morning, the morning of our beloved time change, I read about Joseph of Arimathea. A man who awaited the kingdom of God. He was waiting on something. Whether religiously or with true heart, asked for the body of Christ. Continue reading Love Overturns Mountains

Can Halloween Hurt?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Today many will pay homage to the “god” of disappointment and discouragement. Yes, I am talking about today, the day of Halloween.

So, what do I mean by that? I mean that many will celebrate Halloween and give themselves over to demonic workings. BUT, I know that you can do that any day. It does not have to be Halloween. You can find something to change your life for the worse and it does not have to be a child in a Garfield costume. Continue reading Can Halloween Hurt?

Reaching Out Into The Darkness

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Today while driving into work I was thinking that if I disappeared, would people know. Would I be missed? How long would it take?

I remember many years ago I was challenged with the imprisonment of a pastor who was in jail in China for “crimes against the state”. Daily people were reaching out in prayer. And one day, some 20 years later, he was released.

Hundreds if not thousands appeared to welcome him. This group of people had met daily to pray for his release. Daily! What is even more important is no one had seen him for all those years. I remember thinking at that time, how many just disconnect, losing touch after weeks, months and at best, years. Please hear me this is not a condemnation thing. It is an observation. (And I have done it. “Out of sight, out of mind.” It is not healthy.) Continue reading Reaching Out Into The Darkness

Stop, Drop And Roll – It Time To Overcome The Fire Of Fear!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

A few nights ago, I was questioning my “existence”. I was not discouraged or depressed, but I definitely felt like there was a rabbit hole of sorts about me. My wife was away and God and I were having a pow wow about my life. Perhaps I had pulled out my checklist at some point. “This is good. This…not so much. This I do well. This is I stink at. Etc…” “Why am I here?” My “WISE” had turned to “WHYS”. Not necessarily the “bestest” of places to be. But I had to work through it. Continue reading Stop, Drop And Roll – It Time To Overcome The Fire Of Fear!

Better Is One Day In Your Courts…

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

As I sat on the ledge of the 12th story window, I looked out and there before me were choices. All I had to do was reach out from my perch high above the street and grab one. I looked around. Not only was there no safety nets or cables, but the choices while floating in the air danced in the wind.

The choice was for more power, more reach. As I looked around the city street, I noticed that many were sitting in the windows, faced with the same challenge of thought. And even as I watched people reached out from their place of safety and grabbed. They grabbed on to the floating item held in the air before them. And immediately dropped to street, screaming all the way. Continue reading Better Is One Day In Your Courts…