Category Archives: Word of Destiny

Words given for individuals

A Chosen Generation – Chosen By God


cass1Four times they invited me over to sit in and play drums. Four times I politely declined. But there was something about the music that was drawing me. I got up to go get a drink. And there it was. That bass line that need fill. That guitar solo that cried out. I watched the guys as they played and when they played those segments of music, they looked over to me, as if to say “please”. As I walked back with the bottle of water, I felt myself drawn to the drums. Continue reading A Chosen Generation – Chosen By God

A New City Of Refuge

MarcelI woke up this morning thinking about influence. Maybe more about what determines it than anything else. For me, I truly believe in where you are determines not just “quality” of life but what you find in influence.

First, let me quickly show you what influence is. It is defined this way. “The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.” That is the noun and we mostly will stay there. The verb really in most cases talks about changing something. Influencing someone to change for instance. Continue reading A New City Of Refuge

Love Is In The Air

heargod2Love is in the air.

I awoke this morning with a sense that there was going to be a season of love that would dwarf the summer of love in Haight-Ashbury in 1967. And it was going to be leading up to this year’s Christmas. Some of it has been by design (National economies and policies.) while some of it has been by “happenstance”. Regardless of how we got here, the scuffing of our hearts has revealed the need for love. Continue reading Love Is In The Air

Friend Of Sinners

sockmonkeyIt was clear that she was having an affair. How was I going to approach her? Never mind. I did not have to. She came over to talk to me. I saw her husband outside with the rest of the company. “Why are you coming to me” I thought. Continue reading Friend Of Sinners

Who Is Going With You?

2014-09-21 13.20.19“Great! Now what was I to do?” The machine guns (Who has machine guns???) were going off and had me pinned down behind one of the cars. I was safe but I needed to behind the one behind me to get to cover. Throwing some rocks in the air triggered another blast and a hail of of bullets. But they were short lived and I knew they were involved in reloading. I jumped across the hood of the car behind me, looking over to see what was going. While the new clip was now in I was behind the building. Continue reading Who Is Going With You?

SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

The woman needed surgery. She was crying out for her doctor. Unfortunately, he was not able to operate, because he too was taken ill. His life style had lead him astray. Someone else was going to have to step in, but who? No one had his skills, his capabilities, his knowledge.

cowboyThe surgery was delayed and the woman died. The surgeon who was unable to operate was to be under surgery as well, but guilt ate at him over his inability to perform the surgery and he had a heart attack and died. Continue reading SEP Or IFS Handled By KJV, TPT, NIV, Etc.

Term Limits Removed

leejohndrowteamI was sitting here thinking about term limits. Not in the political sense we so often think about, but the time we are allowed to engage in something. The word “term” as a concept or defining factor.

And the Lord said “term limits are no more”.

No longer will man be limited by time. No longer shall he be constrained or held back. A supernatural being is not constrained by time or limited to defined hours, weeks, months or years. Age will not limit for we live in eternity. While I am the God of eternal, I am the God who removes the limits of time. Continue reading Term Limits Removed

The Pangs Of Change

characterThe last few weeks I have been making an observation. A lot of people who normally walk with their head held high, understanding this is but a “season” have been feeling pushed about. One of the hardest things about a time such is this, is you begin to take it personally. You begin to see it as you and no one else. It begins to unravel thinking about love and acceptance.It may well be a direct challenge to your belief schedule and all that you believe. Continue reading The Pangs Of Change

The Choice Is Yours

no-worriesToo often in my conversations with people I find people tempted to bypass something for the sake of ignorance or the lack of attention. We have developed an “its all good” mentality when the very reason they are “here” is because they chose to avoid or disdain a “then” opportunity. Continue reading The Choice Is Yours

God Focused – Family Centered


Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my family. I had my 3 of my grandchildren over as well as my daughter. A lot was going on. The funeral for a friend was one. Making sure I gave the children the time they needed and wanted. Getting ready for a turkey dinner was on the agenda and at one point I took them to look at the house my son and his wife are purchasing here in Keene. (And that lead to going around a looking at other homes for sale.) Finally we got home for dinner and a movie. Continue reading God Focused – Family Centered