Category Archives: Word of Destiny

Words given for individuals

Can It Be? The Sounds Of Change?

preachingatvillageThe shooting was increasing. I could see the people shooting included people I knew. People that I considered family. Why were they shooting? What was going on? I was pinned down by the shooting. There was no communication available. I finally turned to the group and said “I can not take this any more. Someone needs to do something. I am going to head out.” As I began to head towards the middle of the clearing light began to fill the air. I was not sure from where but in the midst of darkness confidence filled me and I headed towards the center. I called out for peace. Angelic beings began to appear. I was stirred. Not with anger, but with the knowledge that something great was happening. People laid down their weapons. They began to come out of the woods, the shadows. They faces were tear streaked as they entered the clearing. They awaited judgment. I smiled and began to reach out to hug them. To encourage them all would be well. Continue reading Can It Be? The Sounds Of Change?

Letting Go And Choosing God

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

This week I will attend the funeral of a young person. This week I met with a young person planning for his future.

The tale of two places. One ahead. One dead. Through out life we encounter choice, chance and opportunity. What will we do? How will we choose? Continue reading Letting Go And Choosing God

Letting Go Of Yesterday

leejohndrowteamYesterday before I went off to be part of the church at our local fellowship, I saw this and wrote it on my ministry page. Lots of people read it and shared it..

This morning I saw words being shed. Words of destruction and words of hurt. I saw the shedding of pain. I saw new words being spoken. New words of goodness, grace and greatness. Continue reading Letting Go Of Yesterday

I Came That You Might Think

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Have you seen the horse? Do you see a table or people? Let me know when you know how many frogs there are.

“Lee, what are you talking about?”

I am talking about those drawings that appear on Facebook or in a kid’s Highlight magazine. The ones where a drawing has more than one figure. Or you are asked to see how many of something exist in a picture. The purpose being to cause you to think. To see outside the norm. To evaluate and not just move on to the next thing without thinking. Continue reading I Came That You Might Think

Retire Or Refire? the Choice Is Before You

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Last night I had a dream about an old friend I have known for over 20 years. He was one of those people who began to reveal the grace of God to me. My friend nearly 20 years later continues to have an influence on me. While he was in my early life he began to show me the value of being a father and how we had the potential to move mountains through our lives. Continue reading Retire Or Refire? the Choice Is Before You

Awakening The People Of His Goodness

2014-08-09 13.57.03Yesterday while having a conversation the words, sleeper cell, came up. We started to talked about the wave of terrorism and what had happened in Paris. That discussion included a piece about sleeper cells, how they were communicated and what their purpose is. Continue reading Awakening The People Of His Goodness

Limited Or Limitless?

preachingatvillageLimited or Limitless-Does life have limits?

Like many nights I came out of a dream. The “problem” for me and dreams is that when I wake up I am not sure that I am “out” of the dream. So as I wandered down the steps to the living room, my thoughts were in a dream. I came down and did my normal “get ready” which includes pushing the button on coffee, turning on my computer and using the bathroom. Continue reading Limited Or Limitless?

Move To Turn Mourning Into Dancing

You never know the impact.
You never know the impact.

Personal change

Last night as I was going to sleep I was praying for friends, family, my community, pretty much anything I could find as a target.

I felt this pressure and a voice saying “teach them to pray”. I froze. I knew it was God but it was if He had opened something that was hidden away. I got nervous. I do not always do well with learning curves and change. Continue reading Move To Turn Mourning Into Dancing

2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

preachingatvillageWhy even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought “I agree”. “Amen”. “Good for you!” I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the new year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table. Continue reading 2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

A Moment Of Silence

leejohndrowteamAs we set upon the precipice of 2014 turning to 2015, there is clearly a lot to be thankful for. While looking ahead I heard a hush. I clearly heard a hush. Not the “hush of Whoville” but a silent deep breath. It was if the world was grabbing air for the very next move. In the process of enjoining silence, I “felt” the depth of the breath and the tension in the air. Like a hunter preparing to shoot, there was an exhale, followed by a pause. (Not everyone shoots like that, but I do for the most part.) Continue reading A Moment Of Silence