Category Archives: Dream

Do You Need A Pool Of Siloam?

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

This morning my friend Mark shared about dream and purpose being used interchangeably. He incorporated thought process with the theme from the movie, The Field Of Dreams.

When I entered the fellowship building I heard the words “Pool of Siloam.” I began to think about what it meant.

Couple it with this. Continue reading Do You Need A Pool Of Siloam?

Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag

Christmas2007 011Yesterday was a very full day. I was getting so many things ready in preparation for the appearance of family and friends. Whether it was taking one of my grandsons for a haircut, heading to the store or just trying to think through the logistics of the days to come.

Today I will begin the food preparations, take my granddaughter Mariah out for a special time and do a thing or two with Jacob today. My plan is to be all said and done by 3 or so today. Then off to be with friends and family at our church Christmas Eve service  this evening. Continue reading Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag

A Dream Of Goodness

Don’t lose your vision.

Not every dream I have is a “multi-user” dream. Many of my dreams speak to me, others for individuals, a church and then there are the broad spectrum dreams that are fora lot of people.

Lately we have seen a lot of blessing. Not millions yet, but lots of $100, $500 and a few $1000 blessings headed to people. Yesterday I went to visit my oldest son, his wife and their baby before picking up my grandson Jacob to spend the Christmas week with me.

On the way home I needed to buy gas. I realized I had a choice. Buy gas in Vermont (In May they added a new gas tax.) or squeak across across the line and buy it in my home state of New Hampshire. So imagine my surprise when i was approaching the border and there was a single gas station left and I felt the nudge from the Lord, “this is the place.” Hmmmm… So, I hesitantly pulled in. I put my card in. It asked for a rewards card. I plugged that in. (I had not used it in over a year.) How amazed was I when it recorded a $.15 a gallon discount. I filled up.

The last few days I have had various dreams and a vision about the goodness of God. Continue reading A Dream Of Goodness

A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End

So the Duck Dynasty stuff continues and changes are being considered. The world is still turning on its axis.

But what about me? You?

No-StressI said what I had to say about the hiatus imposed on Phil Robertson. But what about the hiatus you or I may have gone through? You know the one where we were headed down the road of success and change came? A divorce or financial circumstances came? (I am in the process of completing a book on Interrupted Process.)

Last night I had a vivid dream that took me through places like North Haven Connecticut and back up into Vermont. Much of it seemed “out of place” until the end.

What I saw happening in the dream is people were trying to recapture or reclaim a friendlier time in their lives. One that brought them comfort and joy. People were shopping at area stores, talking to people in the parking lots, putting bags of presents and food in their vehicles. Continue reading A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End

A Dream On Stewardship

trumpetRide in a limo? Airplanes?

(This will be a long read! Please bear with me.)

Last night one of my dreams took place in front of our church fellowship, The Village Church. In the dream many people were inside the school wing and there was an opportunity to participate in helping get the new limousine ready to bless folks with.

A little back ground on me and limousines. When we had our church fellowship I was preparing to buy a limousine for the church. Not a new one but a nice one. (It even had a hot tub in the back!) My reason was (Other than it was kind of cool…) that I would chauffeur people for anniversaries and birthday parties in the church. And do special things to celebrate successes. Take elderly people shopping. (My wife tells me it was a better idea than the army tank I was going to buy.) But, “cooler” heads prevailed and I was asked to not do that.

The other little background is the road that leads to our fellowship was recently redone including a new bridge and the leveling of the road. (Proverbs 3:6) I see this as preparation.  (Our church building is not on the main drag.)

Continue reading A Dream On Stewardship

A Murder…Will We Choose Life?

skd284403sdcThe other night I had a dream. In the dream I walked into a room where someone had been murdered, killed in cold blood. I was in a large windowed room. Many floors above a city. Hardwood floors, white walls, large windows. No furniture in my view. Empty, except for the blood splattered floor and a long white extension cord.

Who has dreams about murder? I have only had a few in 20 plus years, but when I do I look for the message. I do not get weird about it or suspect someone’s impending death.

I continued to watch the room. I felt that I was to move the cord to another outlet. To set a trap for someone who I thought was going to come in. I unplugged the cord and I moved it across the room. I left that room. Apparently I had some other things to do. Continue reading A Murder…Will We Choose Life?

The Incorruptible Dream – A Telling Season

I had a very intense dream last night. So intense that when I actually woke up I got up to walk away from it and the dream “followed” me. It kept on going.

In the dream I was asked to come on board and take over this publishing house. One of its projects was a local newspaper. I agreed and things went well. It was a quaint New England town with lots of white paint, green shutters and black iron fences. As we moved towards fall and foliage events I began to feel the job joy waning. I spent my time visiting people, writing stories, taking pictures and all the things one might do. Continue reading The Incorruptible Dream – A Telling Season

Finding The Value Often Gets Rid Of The Zombies

liesI woke up this morning walking around a store. Not just any store but a store that had opened on Christmas Day. The sellers were not very interested.  They had invited me in to help them make some decisions, perhaps even to acquire them.

This was not my first dream of this store or one very similar. Maybe it is how I am wired (Or unwired.) but I like space. I like choice. I like selection. (I have tried selling in niche circumstance but over all I like the broad spectrum approach.)

So here I was in this small store with all these little “nice” pieces but nothing that really excited me. It was pretty. It would look nice in homes or offices. But to me it was chachka.  I walked towards the back and as I got towards the back of the store, I got excited. There was more there! A lot more. I offered to purchase from them and did then I went to the back.

Now these men tried to talk me out of it. That “stuff” back there has not value. They wanted me to look at the glittering glass and beautiful pieces.  (I love glass, but it has to wow me.)

Three stories came to my mind as I thought about this dream.

  1. One was the story of Cinderella and how she was treated. But that all changed. Her value became known and was seen in the eyes of another. (For someone here you have “done it all right” but have not been noticed. But God has His eye on you. Soon you will be the Cinderella story.)
  2. The second was how Samuel approached Jesse to see His sons, directed there by the Lord. Only when he said “do you have another so” did they go retrieve David from the fields. (You have felt that people did not recognize your value or your gift. The key to your coming success is to not be bitter but to be better. Hone your gift and watch.) (Proverbs 18:16)
  3. And the third was the story of the ugly duckling who one day grew into a beautiful swan. (Never judge your life by a day.)

I walked in that back room and it was huge. A long line of chairs and couches and places of rest were visible. My mind spun as I thought how to get people back here. To the place of comfort. The place of rest. The place of quiet. The place hidden from view.

This morning I thought about lost objects. I have misplaced keys and wallets and such. People always ask “where was the last place you saw it?” Most likely if I knew that I would know where it is! And then I thought people are running around, looking for an old man that was killed on a cross with a Savior who made you His “carbon copy.” He put His nature in you!

So stop looking for the dead!

And once we get beyond all the chachka, the stuff that may have value but is really just window dressing we come to the true meaning of “being in Him.” His rest! His place of intimacy and love.

All the things that so many have embraced as God have just made it hard for those who have not “looked” like that.

The intrinsic value of a person is not found in the externals but what is on the inside. (And yet from the place on the inside comes that which is His expression through you to the outside.)

I suggested to someone the other day that maybe they consider being a model. Immediately I was given all the reasons that they could not do that. Most had to do with their evaluation of what is real. When our “inside” is understood and accepted the outside is just an external view of the goodness inside. (By the way-she is a beautiful young lady.)

In the store the men thought work hard, keep it “looking” good and keep it small. I walked in and I saw rest, expanse and intimacy. (In one of my jewelry stores I ran ads that poo-pooed the glass cases that kept people from the touch and feel of the jewelry.) God wants to be seen, touched, enjoyed.

zombiesWe have made churches that remind me of mortuaries. People who act like zombies. And families that walk around like the Stepford wives.

Real church sometimes is real messy because it involves real people.

So this holiday season He bids you, “come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Feeling Homeless? He Has A Place In Mind…

Feeling Homeless?

This morning I awoke from one of my dreams, but I realized I had not “left” the dream. It continued on as I heard the breathing and snores of my family from their places of rest, viewed what time it was. I lay there as the scenes went in and out.

I felt the warm tears upon my face. The dream had been personally emotional. My life was being upturned in the dream.

The beginning of the dream was being spent in eastern Vermont, but moments later I was transitioned to an area of Vermont on the western side that I had not been in for many, many years. I was being questioned by an administrator of a program to “help” people. He asked me if I trusted him. My answer was short and to the point. “No” I replied. I said “I believe that you believe you are helping people. But you really are not. You are taking away their freedoms driving them to a system that ‘cares’ for them that would never have been needed to be implemented had you not removed their liberties.” Continue reading Feeling Homeless? He Has A Place In Mind…