Category Archives: Vision

Lights Of Listening – Will You Hear?

blue laser1Last night I had a series of dreams. A couple woke me up. Perhaps I will share on some of them in the coming days. But here is what is more important to me, that dreams are developing into two categories. One category is the those dreams that introduce people, places and situations and develop an allegorical or “fantasy” scenario. (The ones that seemed so true, only to awaken and realize that is not a true thing or that scripture is not really a scripture.) And yet upon examining them with the Lord I see the play out of them or the value. The second category is that of those which are what they are and come true. (Only the other day I had a dream about someone and it came true just as shown.) Continue reading Lights Of Listening – Will You Hear?

In The Garden There Is Fruit

leejohndrowteamIn the middle of the night I awoke from a dream. In the dream a person was wandering around, unable to connect with any one. They would move from one person to another. Sometimes for a moment and sometimes for longer. As I lay in the darkness and thought about it I began to realize something. It had to do with the topic of value. Value of one’s self and value of others.

Only yesterday I spent time with someone trying to explain their “lifestyle” was becoming problematic to their relationships. Not so sure they bought it. Why? Because they were right. It is easier to “move on” than it is to “stay in”. Continue reading In The Garden There Is Fruit

All Hands On Deck!

preachingatvillageI wrote the following yesterday.

This morning I woke and was thinking about what if government “leaders” were in isolation or restricted from doing what they were called to because they were being constrained by God or His prophets.

This morning while Tina was away with Jacob at the Y, I was camping out with the Lord. Continue reading All Hands On Deck!

It Is Time!

2014-03-15 11.16.51This morning I caught a video of children being removed from a mountaintop. I, like so many others have been praying for the safety of these children, as well as their families. Only this week I read of children’s parents , cutting their hands so these children could drink their blood and not dehydrate and die. Continue reading It Is Time!

If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place

leejohndrowteamLife is funny. A couple of weeks ago I showed my grandkids “Mork and Mindy” with Robin Williams. Yesterday morning as I drove through Keene and looked at the sign from the time of Jumanji being filmed, I thought of him. Yesterday morning, my post with the picture of “leave me alone”, I thought about him.  And yesterday I wrote about troubled places around the world and thought about Hollywood. I opened my email to see that one of my favorite comedians had gone on. Robin Williams. Continue reading If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place

Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”

What if...
What if…

One of the most difficult pieces of working for me was the idea that creativity has evaporated. So, when a few weeks ago, I had the flash of creativity over a topic, my world was changed. For the weeks and months before I had thought I am “creatively dead”. (Even as I wrote this I hear the words, “unless a seed fall to the ground and die…” John 12:24) Continue reading Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”

Salmon And The Land Of New England

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Like many children I learned to fish at my dad’s feet. My dad had been an awesome fisherman. He fished all kids of fish, all kinds of places. One of the main rivers he took us to fish was a tributary to the Connecticut River. I loved to fish and while I preferred lake fishing and live bait, I learned the ways of the river and the fish.

Last night I was in a meeting and I saw my dad, I saw fish and I saw something that I saw from roughly 1995-2001. It was during that time I saw something involving fish and spirituality. On the way home from the meeting I was reminded of it and saw the emphasis of. Continue reading Salmon And The Land Of New England

Patience Is Preparing a Generation

preachingatvillageDespite going to bed later than normal, I awoke at the same time. And there on the floor was the turtle. (Now the last time I saw a turtle was at my daughter’s wedding in St. Lucia last year. A large sea turtle had crawled up to the base of the stairs and deposited her eggs.) So “seeing” a turtle in my room was a surprise. But there it was. Slowly moving across the floor. And then it turned as if to say “follow me”. Follow you? Where? Why? Continue reading Patience Is Preparing a Generation

Who Has Seen The Rain?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Who has seen the rain?

I had just finished a motorcycle ride with my wife and we had come in to eat dinner. While dinner was finishing up, I heard those words. Great, a John Fogerty song. Creedence Clearwater Revival. I am pretty sure when I was a kid I was not even sure what a revival was or stood for. I knew it as an architecture style and little more. The original name of that band came from a “band member”, Creed. A beer, Olympia, the clear water. And the member’s renewed commitment to the band. Continue reading Who Has Seen The Rain?

The Cry of Eureka

preachingatvillageUncovering your answer

Yesterday I had a very unusual conversation with someone I have known but a short time. It started with the person saying something and while I was standing they kept “getting in my space”. I was sharing some of my early life before Jesus. Awkward that the room had a number of people in it. I was “trying to be quiet” but it was clear that others were listening. I realized that the listeners were 3 women and 1 man. They pretended to be “occupied” but they kept turning. The more I shared, the closer this young woman got. Everything inside of me wanted to reach out and hug her. I did reach out and put my hand on her shoulder, more to keep my distance. When I did I felt something “shift”. Continue reading The Cry of Eureka