Tag Archives: foundation

Repair At Ground Level


roadrunnerI had a dream where I had just taken on a new job and people decided it was their time to prank me. To make fun of me by filing false contracts (No one is buying 2,388 cars today, I am pretty sure of it…)Throughout the dream I had to reach out and uncover the “fraud” of clients and the pranks of fun loving folks. Much of “my time” was spent determining what was truth and what was not. My skills were high, but a few still tried to get things by me. Continue reading Repair At Ground Level

My Value Is Found In His Love For Me

Prepared Not UnpreparedThis morning while in prayer I thought of my value. What is it that makes up my value? Or yours?

I had had a dream in the early hours of the night. In the dream the people were pouring a foundation for a home. They had dug out the hole, squared up everything and then were preparing for the pour. I came along and I said “where are your form boards?” The boards that are put in place with sides of plywood or special plastic panels. You would have thought I threatened their lives. They flipped out. Yelling and screaming at me they proceeded to tell me they knew what they were doing. For me, it was clear to see they did not. My effort to save them trouble and despair went unheeded. Continue reading My Value Is Found In His Love For Me

Hey! Turn On The Lights!!!

The mystery of the lost Malaysian 370 jet intrigues me. To believe the news and the movies the idea of finding the proverbial “needle in a haystack” is not a mystery. Finding a lost vehicle or person, even an 8 year old spy could do that. Yet here we are, nearly two weeks later and the mystery continues.

Losing something is a heart wrenching experience. The loss of a favorite item causes emotional turmoil. Losing keys or your wallet, and the gears start turn turning. The loss of innocence or peace is huge. And of course the loss of someone is horrible.

Jesus lost something. He lost “that”. Where did He “lose” it? In the garden. The garden of Eden. “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10. He came to restore the “Genesis” of His people. To give them back the life they had PLUS the increased value of a better covenant. James 1:23 tells us “like a person who sees” His natural or GENESIS face.

God has already paid the price for ALL mankind. The option lays before them. BUT unlike the search of the world for the jetliner and the difficulties encountered, God has made the way. He “sought” what was lost. His existence, sacrifice and subsequent resurrection gave it all BACK with MORE. There is a life of freedom and liberty. “That” which was lost has been found, brought back and restored. 2,000 years ago.

While there are still places GPS can not send from and expanses of earth unseen by satellite, God is available and present any time, any where.

I bring this up because lately I have begun to carry a burden for the babies, the children. There is an escalated attack that has caused me to pray and observe.

We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. Not generations, but generation. Each person born in to this is a part of that. In some respects children represent the “seed” given, shaped and molded. The attack has been in light of the absence of fathering and fathers.

I had a vision. I saw the hand of the enemy reaching out to keep back the light of day from illuminating the minds of believers. Attempting to extinguish. And I saw children. EVERYWHERE. Playing together, enjoying the innocence of youth. I saw fear rise up in parents and grandparents to “do something” about the hand that came to darken. But the methodology was wrong. Instead of removing the hand and increasing the light with their voices, they went to “shelter and protect” behind doors. They began to speak fear and negativity. They began to believe their own “press” of darkness. They began to hold up “options” and alternatives. They were settling. And then the vision went away.

I find I spend a lot of time “illuminating” people as to their position, the priesthood, the kingdom. Showing that “that” which had been lost had been found. Keeping them from stepping down a rung. As my daughter, Amy would say “settling”. Settling for second best. (Or worse.) Years ago, I made a decision based on “wise counsel” and it cost me. Cost me huge. I am sure the people could not see the future. I allowed myself to settle. Settling is the result of a poverty mindset. It convinces you that “this is the way” to get it. Whatever “it” may be. It may be a substandard relationship or relationships. It may be avoiding a class and working in a fast food joint. But at the root of it is FEAR. Spooky darkness.

Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” When life lets you “down” it is time to speak hope not just “think” it. Speaking it reveals and releases the light, the life. PRAISE HIM!

Loving your child sometimes means “doing the hard stuff”…being a parent. As a prophetic voice who walks with an apostle of grace, I know how much we love people.

It is one thing to recognize the foundation of the apostle and prophet (Eph. 2:20) and yet another to recognize that a firm foundation does not allow for the “leaning” of pieces put upon it. The plumbline is Christ, declaring the exactness of the perpendicular.

There is a HUGE difference in being in a building without a strong foundation versus one that is strong in the foundations outlined by Paul.

I live in New England. I can show you homes that had strong foundations, allowing for plumb walls and straight lines. I can also show you the issues with poor foundations, and the errant beams and posts..

A sure foundation is important to the growth of the Kingdom and the individual.

I can tell you that “all” the sides have to go up before you add another floor or place a ceiling. Growth is important. Proper of biblical growth is God.

I see a lot of children who are just “running outside” before their time. (Parenting issue.) A lot who “think” they are “all growed up” and “can do anything”. (Parenting/Child issue.) and a lot of children who are “grown up” and will not come out to play! (Parenting issue.) Why because it is “dark outside” but I have news for you…it is dark on the inside!

We can not model fear based Christianity (Which really is Christianity at all in most cases.) and letting go of our hope turn to alternatives. To options. Settling.

A price was paid for ALL the world and ALL the “outside”. Do not let “domestic terrorists” rule your mind and your life. Believe for better. Overcome the darkness and the fear.

The winter (darkness) is over and spring has sprung. As I opened the door for my wife I heard the song birds despite the fresh snow. Simply believe.


Incoming …A Lot In Between

My old home-The Harmonyville Grist Mill
My old home-The Harmonyville Grist Mill

Many years ago I built homes. We built some pretty extraordinary homes. In the early years we built in the Golden Triangle of Stratton, Bromley and Magic Mountains. Later on over in the western part of Vermont. We built doctor’s offices, indoor swimming pools and lots in between. Continue reading Incoming …A Lot In Between

Apostles And Prophets Are Foundation Laying Ministries #9

The Church is a spiritual temple. Jesus Christ is the Foundation of this spiritual temple and we, God’s people, are the living stones that are being built upon this Foundation. (I Corinthians 2:11, I Peter 2:4-10) Apostles and prophets help to lay that foundation of Christ for the people of God.

An improper church foundation will lead to difficulties down the road. Study this pattern and see the value of it.

My Ceiling Is Your Floor

Passing the baton
Passing the baton

My Ceiling Is Your Floor

For many a year, one of the lines used in ministry was about the generation to come. Any many bought into it. I want to say I believe it.

But here are a couple of thoughts for both sides.

A-If I am to be your floor,

  • I need to be prepared for people to walk on me.
  • I may no longer be visible when you are standing.
  • I may need to be more secure in who I am in Christ and less in others.
  • I need to bear the weightiness.
  • I honor you.
  • Be more I am. Be greater, bigger, higher.

B-If I am to stand on your ceiling

  • I need to stand on that which is in place.(foundation)
  • To dishonor my ceiling can bring shifting, shaking or even destruction.
  • Despite your unwavering life as my “floor”, my life must be in Him.
  • To leave may mean I must start from scratch.
  • I honor your work that you have accomplished.
  • I am thankful for you going before me.

There is one true foundation. His name is Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11) For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

My security does not come from man. It comes from the Lord. I take responsibility for my life. I take seriously the responsibility of my life for the sake of those that might learn from me. It means my ceiling is your floor.  I don’t want my people, whether they be my children or my spiritual children to repeat my footsteps, but to take what I’m capable of and go far beyond. I am not leaving legacy, but I am in fact creating legacy. In many respects it is like a relay race. The first is just as important as the last.

For my ceiling to be a floor for those to come, they must embrace or stand on that which I have done. Wandering off may well mean that you have to start as I did. It is so much easier to build the second floor of a building than it is the first! Choose wisely those who labor amongst you! If I was younger I would want the best mentor, the strongest and most responsible to learn from.

As a leader, often I may find that I can be creative and innovative, but if I never hand it off, what value is it. I must give it away (If for no other reason than I might get more!) I want my life to be a starting point for those I love. Those I care for and care about. I want the momentum of the goodness of God in my life to be their starting point. To empower people to start from here and develop their own creative ideas and thought processes. I do not want them to run the race I did. (Yes, we had cooler cars, awesome music & lyrics and better hair, but hey!)

Sure you can recreate the wheel…but why?

To you out there I want you to run with my best and then go further, farther and better.