Yesterday I wrote on revival and more specifically the growing wave of His presence in the New England area. Many many people read and shared this word with friends and of course, I would like to say thank you. I think the growing consensus is that what we embraced, held fast during powerful times of revival, renewal and the presence of God did not carry over into the lives we lived. I get it. People quit jobs, left spouses and abandoned children. But any believer who has opened their Bible knows that, that type of behavior is NOT reflective of God, His character or His teaching. That response was not God. Continue reading A New Side Of Prepping→
We walked around looking at the track. One section of the train track was in need of repair. And then there was the train itself. The chief came over to us and said “everything you have been doing is on hold. The only thing I want from you is to get this train up and running”. Continue reading Can You Hear The Train?→
Pat is a very good friend of mine who operates prophetically. This a word he posted today.
So much of the teaching and expounding in the church regarding the moving of the Spirit and spiritual gifts comes out of 1Cor 12 and 14. The problem with this starting point is that the backdrop for these passages is the exact opposite from what most of the church here deals with. We are not experiencing wild, unbridled expressions of Holy Spirit manifestation where people were literally competing with each other to use their gifts. If we were, then Paul’s words in the above passages would carry a lot more weight and become very effective in curbing a mosh pit mentality within our local church expression.Continue reading A Spark Of God by Patrick Quade→
Last night as I was going to sleep I was praying for friends, family, my community, pretty much anything I could find as a target.
I felt this pressure and a voice saying “teach them to pray”. I froze. I knew it was God but it was if He had opened something that was hidden away. I got nervous. I do not always do well with learning curves and change. Continue reading Move To Turn Mourning Into Dancing→
We hear of it, we prophesy of it and then it happens. As a prophetic person I see things all the time. I find that my take on life is “colored” by my function or gift mix. Each person has a bend or a bent like that. And when we get to employ it, it is what we call being in the groove. We could not miss for trying. We need the gifts or the functions to work together and introduce the world to the risen Christ.
I said yesterday morning, “Despise not small beginnings. There is something new and something getting ready to happen.” I arrived at our church fellowship like any other Sunday. But I kept having this “nagging” feeling like something was happening. But our monthly family gathering of my 5 children and their children was overshadowing it a little. I was not cued in. But, I kept thinking of it, like “what was I missing”. Continue reading The Opening Of The Presents→
I was wandering through the snow near a river. I would see signs that deer or other animals had been along side the river. Sometimes it was but an occasional print or other sign of wild life. Other times there were be the signs of lots of activity. But as I continued along the river, I never saw any animals. And interestingly enough where there were signs of large gatherings, I still saw nothing nor did I see the indicators of the animals leaving together. (I don’t remember seeing anything other than the place where the gathering had been.) Continue reading Is It Revival? The River Of God→
I awoke to a city that had been under siege. Well into the night, SWAT, National Guard and Emergency risked their lives and injury to prevent rioting from a group that have no true understanding of life. As the city made national news and tweets and Facebook posts flooded the cyberscape, my heart grew heavy. (The last time I encountered this was during the flooding of Irene in 2011.) My heart was challenged. Continue reading Walking Into The Darkness→
I fully understand that the world is carried on in “microseconds’ when it comes to information. As I read the news, I see people are clamoring for instant access to “what is going on” in the world about them. This morning as I read a few articles, I glanced at one that brought chills. Continue reading I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!→
Many years ago I was part of a canoe trip on Lake George. Lake George is 30 plus miles long. A large wind had kicked up and a storm had blown over the westerly side of the lake. The waves were easily 3 feet high and feeling like they were climbing. I was not worried abut drowning or getting injured, but I was worried about what would happen if the canoes capsized with the food in them, as well as our clothes and such. The wind increased and the waters whitened on the crest of the waves. Out of the fog and the mist appeared one of the Lake George steam ships. As it cut across in front of us, the wake got higher and higher. I could see the waves headed towards our 7 canoes. Above the roar of the waves and wind the counselors were screaming, “hit it at a 45 degree angle!!!” Everyone began to adjust their canoes. As canoes disappeared in the troughs of the waves, my thought was the food! Continue reading A Change In The Weather→
I had just finished a motorcycle ride with my wife and we had come in to eat dinner. While dinner was finishing up, I heard those words. Great, a John Fogerty song. Creedence Clearwater Revival. I am pretty sure when I was a kid I was not even sure what a revival was or stood for. I knew it as an architecture style and little more. The original name of that band came from a “band member”, Creed. A beer, Olympia, the clear water. And the member’s renewed commitment to the band. Continue reading Who Has Seen The Rain?→