Tag Archives: world

Geography Matters To God


preachingatvillageFor many a year I have been taken with geography in the kingdom. The idea of being in the right place at the right time OR being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We relegate so much of the kingdom to “serendipity” rather than faith, discernment and wisdom.

How did we get here? Continue reading Geography Matters To God

Who Is My Neighbor?

donttalkI work with a lot of people. I have people that live California and talk 100 million dollar budgets and others who are watching their business shrink in the economy of today. The other day I saw the news that said 96,000,000 were out of work. I thought to myself, that I have forgotten about not working while being consumed with working. Continue reading Who Is My Neighbor?

I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!

What if...
What if…

I fully understand that the world is carried on in “microseconds’ when it comes to information. As I read the news, I see people are clamoring for instant access to “what is going on” in the world about them. This morning as I read a few articles, I glanced at one that brought chills. Continue reading I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!

“It Is Balloon” Designed For Destiny

who-are-youThe balloon basket was empty. Here was this gorgeous, brightly colored balloon with no one to ride in it. As I got close to it, I spotted the small console. I wanted to get a closer look. I leaned up against the side of the basket and leaned in. It was then I saw a brilliant stone ring laying on the floor. It blazed brilliantly even with the small amount of light it was receiving. It seemed as though it was on fire. I thought I will pull it to the side and make sure the people will see it so it will not fall out and be lost when the balloon takes off. As I leaned over the edge of the basket a strong wind pushed the balloon. It caught me by surprise. I was over the edge and needed to right myself. But as I looked though the floor of the basket I saw the ground moving away. I was airborne. I took a moment to get fully in the basket. As I looked out, I was struck by the beauty of the day and realizing I had no control over this, I left the balloon to its own devices. Continue reading “It Is Balloon” Designed For Destiny

The World Out There

preachingatvillageI wrote this 7 years ago. How things have changed and how many things have come to pass.

Yesterday morning I awoke from a dream. There was not much to guess about the dream or to figure out. In the dream I was working around the home and all I heard over and over was  “work like an evangelist.” The music played over and over in my head. It was like “walk Like An Egyptian” by the Bangles. Even after I woke up the music was pulsing. Like I said, there wasn’t much to think about. Continue reading The World Out There