Me? Who Me? Really?

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a dream that seemed to “run” all night. When I awoke this morning, I wanted to go back to sleep. There is a lot to process and lot to think through, but here is one of the biggies.

What? Me? I am not ready! Continue reading Me? Who Me? Really?

T’is The Season To Be Stretched

leejohndrowteamThe last few days have been a challenge to say the least. In the business world life is determined by deadlines and performance, something often the antithesis of belief and following Christ. Despite my best shot at putting deadlines and “hurry up” on God He moves at his pace. Do I recognize the superiority of His knowledge and wisdom? Of course! Does that make it any easier? Not until you enter that place of peace, relax in His rest and grasp the goodness of God. Continue reading T’is The Season To Be Stretched

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

deep wellI came home from the meeting empty. It had been one of those meetings where my heart was just not seeming to connect. Each person I prayed for I felt nothing. I felt as if I was simply going through the motions. Just doing what I had done for many years. This time was different though. I could not connect. I wanted to see people healed, delivered and set free. They were. But all I was doing was walking down the rows. It seemed like they never would be done. The meeting was over. I was spent, disappointed and frustrated. I arrived at the home folks had given to me to stay in, to work out of. I did not want to see anyone. As I walked downstairs I could hear someone whistling. I got the stairs and walked into the beautiful space. The light was bright and here was this old friend. Over by the fireplace. He had taken the newspaper article and the coverage and cut it out. On the mantel he had placed the advertisement someone had paid for. Continue reading Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

What Do You Think?

Pam Potter
Pam Potter

August 7th, 2014
Pam Potter

As I sit on the deck with my morning coffee I close my eyes and my mind is infiltrated with thoughts of upcoming events, loved ones I need to connect with, a growing to-do list as well as memories of long ago. I find myself saying “excuse me, but would you kindly move aside to make way for my Jesus?” Continue reading What Do You Think?

The Opening Of The Presents

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

We hear of it, we prophesy of it and then it happens. As a prophetic person I see things all the time. I find that my take on life is “colored” by my function or gift mix. Each person has a bend or a bent like that. And when we get to employ it, it is what we call being in the groove. We could not miss for trying. We need the gifts or the functions to work together and introduce the world to the risen Christ.

I said yesterday morning, “Despise not small beginnings. There is something new and something getting ready to happen.” I arrived at our church fellowship like any other Sunday. But I kept having this “nagging” feeling like something was happening. But our monthly family gathering of my 5 children and their children was overshadowing it a little. I was not cued in. But, I kept thinking of it, like “what was I missing”. Continue reading The Opening Of The Presents

Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do

leejohndrowteamThe right connections are so important. Only this morning my computer has decided it no longer likes my modem and refuses to connect meanwhile chasing down other wireless opportunities in my area. How often is our own life like that? We have a connection to make but when it is unavailable, rather than waiting we move to a Plan B?

The problem with the Plan B approach is our impatience at a situation or circumstance. So, we go out to fix it on our own. Abraham did that. He took on Hagar and ended up with Ishmael. He initially chose a Plan B that caused all kinds of problems and may well contribute to our problems today. Continue reading Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do

The Awkwardness Of An Age

alyssacamera 004Even in the darkness of the camping area there was no fear. Oh, there were the trees that formed shadows and the noises of the night that caused a check in my walk, but it was startling and not fear creating. I knew where I was going and not even in the darkness was I fearful.

I had a pretty interesting dream this morning. It vacillated between the innocence of being a child and the darkness that seemed to await those that wandered off the properties. It reminded me of Batman’s Gotham City, the camp I attended as a child(Keewaydin)and the reminder that while a child’s  life may be awkward it is but a season. Continue reading The Awkwardness Of An Age

The Tension Of Community

preachingatvillageThe pressure of community exists. It causes us to be better or worse. To step out side or to move inside. Whether we talk about the church community or we discuss the actual community we might live in there is a pressure of sorts.

Yesterday I read as a young black rapper opened up on the community of Ferguson. He came down on the side of “what are you doing, what are you thinking”. He chided them for not “policing” their own. With regard to the living condition he said “who is going to take care of if you don’t? If you urinate in the hallway how is that someone else’s fault?” Both rappers Pharrell and BoB were denigrated by their own for their comments and encouragement to take responsibility for their communities. Continue reading The Tension Of Community

What Is In Your Future?

leejohndrowteamA recent headline got me thinking about my past and my current state. It also revealed to me the hearts of folks.

Most folks are aware of my background pre-Christianity. The stores, the spells, the witchcraft. I can tell you my pathway to darkness of that caliber was not an “over night” thing. It began long before that. The culmination was a witch who became friends with my wife at the time and subsequently with me. Seriously, it was all down hill from there for many a year. Continue reading What Is In Your Future?