Category Archives: Interrupted Process

Big Brother Is Watching You!


conspiracyHa! You thought I was going to talk about the 200 million emails a day the NSA has been watching. No, what I want to talk about is even more insidious, darker and more sinister. Mindsets!

A few weeks ago I prophesied romance is in the air. That this is the year for many who have sat, waiting. Thinking life has passed them by and God forgot their number. I have recently prophesied increase for some, respite for others, restoration of family and more. These are all what most of would say are good things to speak, to desire to see occur in people’s lives. Yet some were disturbed and let me know. Continue reading Big Brother Is Watching You!

A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End

So the Duck Dynasty stuff continues and changes are being considered. The world is still turning on its axis.

But what about me? You?

No-StressI said what I had to say about the hiatus imposed on Phil Robertson. But what about the hiatus you or I may have gone through? You know the one where we were headed down the road of success and change came? A divorce or financial circumstances came? (I am in the process of completing a book on Interrupted Process.)

Last night I had a vivid dream that took me through places like North Haven Connecticut and back up into Vermont. Much of it seemed “out of place” until the end.

What I saw happening in the dream is people were trying to recapture or reclaim a friendlier time in their lives. One that brought them comfort and joy. People were shopping at area stores, talking to people in the parking lots, putting bags of presents and food in their vehicles. Continue reading A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End

Family Is Best!

In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)
In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)

On my Facebook I have an ongoing message with my wife and children, called “Family Is Best!” (It is here we share with one another daily things, prayer requests, great things and little things.) There is no doubt in my mind in the truth of that statement. I have weathered enough storms and circumstances in 58 years to know.

I am the child of divorced parents and divorced twice myself, but I still have no thought in my mind that anything is better than family. Family is God given, God designed. Continue reading Family Is Best!

Revenge Is Not From The Heart Of God

Hitting the target
A word for today.

Lately, in the midst of so many conversations about relationships and restoration, I found myself caught up with this quote from King Lear.

I will have such revenges on you both, That all the world shall–I will do such things,–  What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be  The terrors of the earth. King Lear.

Why you might ask. Because in the midst of difficult circumstances unforgiveness gains a foothold. The inability to forgive or release another is a thought process of revenge. “They hurt me.” “You do not know what they did.” I agree. I may not know specifically but God does and He cares…about BOTH parties. The fuel of unforgiveness or revenge is centered in greed, fear, self-centeredness and pride. It is not about the situation as much as it is about “getting even” somehow, some way. Many might call it justice.  But God has a New Covenant reality when it comes to justice or the meting out of judgment. James 2:13 For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. Romans 12:19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. Continue reading Revenge Is Not From The Heart Of God

Update October 1st 2013

An update for you!
An update for you!

A number of updates!

For starters this week will be my 21st anniversary of being married to Tina! Yay! 21 years ago in Rutland Vermont we gave our lives to one another.

The book on interrupted process. I have just received the blue penciled edited version and am devoting this week to making the corrections and adding the suggestions. Sabina has been doing a wonderful job lining up my “un-aligned” thinking! She has devoted a lot of time to making me look better than I am in print. Once I get it finalized I will be sharing it with a few friends as well as returning it to Sabina for the hopeful final edit. Continue reading Update October 1st 2013

Giving Up On Life – Let Me Off!

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

Have you stopped moving ahead? Have you pulled the “vehicle” to the side to let the “faster, younger, informed” ones pull by? Have you given up because it is too hard, too far, too much or too high? Have you confessed your last confession, declared your last declaration and prayed your last prayer because of fear, hurt or pain are causing you to stop? You might be in better company than you think.

I have noticed a lot of people who have said “I cannot do this ANYMORE!” Children, grandchildren, parents, jobs, friends have just become too much. “I want off this train. Out of this world. Stop the bus!” Many have read the book (The Bible) saw the last chapter and said “we win.” And then thrown it out into the future for “when they get home.” But what about now? Today? It says “we win” today…tomorrow and the next day. How? We change the earth. We cause it to look like heaven. Continue reading Giving Up On Life – Let Me Off!

Trading Places-Exchanging Time For___?

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

What are you trading for?

Years ago there was a movie called Trading Places. It featured Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy. The story line was that Eddie Murphy was scammer, panhandling his way to riches. Dan Akroyd was rich and brought up in the traditions of wealth and finance. The owners of his company made a $1 wager that they could throw Akroyd to the street and give over his job, title and trappings to Murphy. Murphy proved to be shrewd and he and Akroyd partied up and turned the tables on the two company owners. Continue reading Trading Places-Exchanging Time For___?

Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

When I was young everyone knew or had seen Mexican jumping beans. They were seed pods that had been occupied by the larva of a little moth. The bean would begin to jump as the bean was heated, because the larva would spasm in response to the heat, attempting to move the bean to a cooler place to avoid dehydration and possible death. Just holding the seeds or beans in your hand would cause them to heat up and jump.

One day I brought some to school and put them in our teacher’s drawer. As she came in she told me to “sit down…Now!” I told her I was looking for my snake. Needless to say when the beans jumped in the drawer…. Continue reading Mexican Jumping Beans – Turning Up The Heat

Carrots, Eggs, And Coffee – How Do you Respond?


How Do You Handle Adversity
How Do You Handle Adversity?

This is an old story but a good one.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. Continue reading Carrots, Eggs, And Coffee – How Do you Respond?

Five Senses – Five Transmitters – A New Processor

Hitting the target
A word for today.

Our Senses

This morning I thought about how I sense God’s presence. And what I hear others to process through to determine “His presence.”. So much of what we try to accomplish is without our “God filter” or the understanding that comes from a renewed mind.

Years ago as I “pastored” a church fellowship, I heard people say when confronted with a task or situation, “I am waiting until I feel lead.” So true to my “pastoral nature” I brought a large chunk of lead from a rock and mineral store and when they would say something like that I would push it towards them, suggest “they feel lead” and get on with their life. But when people operate by their 5 natural senses, this process is more than just funny, it is actually prophetic in nature. Satisfy the sensory need and the body can follow. Continue reading Five Senses – Five Transmitters – A New Processor