Category Archives: Prophesy The Light

Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

David finishing up in Swanzey.
David finishing up in Swanzey.

Last night I had a dream where when I tried to speak strikes of lightning would appear. The lightning did not cause destruction. It changed things. They became brighter. Colors began to become vivid. Things that were old became new. I could see people become refreshed in the atmosphere where these bolts were.

Job 28:25-28
“When He imparted weight to the wind And meted out the waters by measure,When He set a limit for the rain And a course for the thunderbolt,Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and also searched it out.”And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.'” Continue reading Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

Thunder And Lightning Announce His Angelic Visitation

leejohndrowteamI was at work. There were lots of flashes. I could hear thunder. Three times over the next few hours I went outside. It was bright and sunny. No thunder. No lightning.

I hear the sound of rain. How many times have we heard that? Said that? Prophesied that? Continue reading Thunder And Lightning Announce His Angelic Visitation

Are We In For The Long Haul?

leejohndrowteamThe other night I had a dream. An very unusual dream. (Why do I not watch scifi? Because my dreams are beyond it!)

I found myself wandering the country side. If I had to pick a place, I would say a rural area of New England. I was wandering about a meadow overlooking an orchard. Something shimmered, much like a sheet of Saran Wrap. As I approached it, it was more like a wall of shimmering plastic. I could see movement on the other side. As I wandered close to it, I felt myself pulled up to it by some power. It pulled me against it. In a flash, I was pulled through and found myself in a prison. As I looked behind me, I saw the wall of “plastic” with the bright sun and the blue sky vibrating through it. Continue reading Are We In For The Long Haul?

Move That Darkness!

leejohndrowteamTonight I put my grandchildren to bed, taking the time as I do, to pray with them.

I know many who do not have that luxury. Do not have that chance or that opportunity. Can I tell you things are about to change? “Oh, Lee. I don’t know if I can stand the pain.” Do not harden your heart for it is the day of expectancy and earth shaking awakening. Continue reading Move That Darkness!

Who Is Running The Show?

lee1-150x150.jpgAn attack on ministry?

No this is not a political statement. Nor is it a word of destruction. I am not talking about the recent shooting in the church or any other shooting or death.

This morning at about 3 I was awakened from a dream. (Not only awakened, but spent the rest of the morning, mulling over it.) Continue reading Who Is Running The Show?

You Are Welcome In This Place

marcell and IThe other morning I wrote about what makes our community viable, authentic and loving. I posted 4 points or traits. I realized that perhaps I needed to expound on them. Why? Because I think we get inundated with “bullet” points and tainted with language and its usage. The over use of words has dumbed down the meaning. It has reduced our understanding and caused us to be casual. Add in our potential for “been there done that” thinking that leads us to “next” and too often we miss the point. Continue reading You Are Welcome In This Place

Your Light Will Break Forth

leejohndrowteamJim Morris told us in 1966 to “break on through to the other side”.

Many of us have desired breakthrough. Part of it is coming to an understanding of what we are leaving, moving through and headed towards. Over the years I have heard a lot of prophetic words on breakthrough. People get excited. (I do.) But at some point we must look at what it means. It is one thing for me to offer you a candy bar. “You shall have chocolate.” Another if chocolate is not high on your radar screen. It also brings more excitement and understanding to your world, if for instance someone says “you shall have a Payday” and that is your favorite candy bar in the whole wide world! Continue reading Your Light Will Break Forth

If You’re Going To…

leejohndrowteamAs I went to write on something else, the words “are you going to San Francisco” rang in my head. And then I heard the lyrics, “If you’re going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair, If you’re going to San Francisco, You’re gonna meet some gentle people there.” The Mamas and The Papas sang that song in May of 1967. Continue reading If You’re Going To…

This Is The Day, This Is The Day…

leejohndrowteamI believe we are wasting some valuable resources in the church. We have often worked so hard to be relevant, that we have downgraded our thinking some times. We have lost some of the things that truly make the church the church. Many of those resources are the folks who went through powerful times. Impartation, meetings and revelation. Maybe they did not handle it right. Maybe others did not. But we can not live our lives as “been there-bought the tshirt” and expect results. There is a cry in the church for change. There is a cry for change in our country and in the globe. Some, perhaps many of those older folks have some keys. Continue reading This Is The Day, This Is The Day…

Hearing God Amongst All The Noise

leejohndrowteamWhen I originally wrote the book on declarations I think I erred in the fact that people prefer a formula and perhaps I just helped them. Exacerbating the problem with regard to hearing from God. Listening to Him. (Because what if they evaluate it as a formula and it does not work? Are they disappointed with God? Themselves? The formula?) Continue reading Hearing God Amongst All The Noise