Category Archives: Teaching

The Knitting Of Hearts


leejohndrowteamAs a child my church experiences were different than what I live today. I heard about God. The table at the front of the church had the words “I am the bread of life” emblazoned on it. But I could not tell you an experience of God while I was there except for the Sunday morning, early on Easter. With some rain and some sleet, hardy souls climbed up the hill behind the elementary school near our church. We sang and the sun came out. That was perhaps my God experience. Continue reading The Knitting Of Hearts

Always A Choice, Always A Chance

Lee Johndrow
Lee Johndrow

Often times on a Saturday I review the week I had. I think about what I might have done better. What went well. Even those “wow, where did that come from” moments. Most of those are good! Saturdays are often a day for me to reflect on my little pile of notes I accumulate, read through some things I want to cover and on most weekends plan on spending some time with a few grandchildren. Continue reading Always A Choice, Always A Chance

Hearing God Amongst All The Noise

leejohndrowteamWhen I originally wrote the book on declarations I think I erred in the fact that people prefer a formula and perhaps I just helped them. Exacerbating the problem with regard to hearing from God. Listening to Him. (Because what if they evaluate it as a formula and it does not work? Are they disappointed with God? Themselves? The formula?) Continue reading Hearing God Amongst All The Noise

Hidden Value Being Revealed

Over time if you pay attention to things you will soon learn the value of  something. But not all value is out in the open, staring you in the face.

leejohndrowteamYesterday I read of a man who went through a difficult time. His response  was he grabbed his metal detector and went treasure hunting. A short while  later under 6 inches of dirt he found an 87 ounce piece of gold. Estimated  to be worth $135,000 he said he would not take less than $200,000 for it. Continue reading Hidden Value Being Revealed

I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

leejohndrowteamToday my mom would have been 89 years old. Her legacy carries on in the lives of my children and grandchildren. They may not always know it but they get the best of her through me. When I take them places about history or science, I am reliving her life. She empowered me to think and understand. Continue reading I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

Why Wisdom? Why Not? Why, Why, Why

leejohndrowteamOne of my dreams last night was a trip that I had to take to a small community nearby. But for some reason the way we were going to go was more of a round the mountain trip. We could go dead south(fastest), or in this case travel slightly west at which point we had a more direct route or the road that went around. For some reason I sensed the longer trip was the one, but I struggled with the idea that it was going to take more time and more miles And while the longer route was settled and okay, there was a feeling of “why”. Continue reading Why Wisdom? Why Not? Why, Why, Why

The Rest That Refreshes!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

One of the big topics in my life is rest. Not fall asleep kind of rest, but the one where you relax in Him. Yesterday began to remove my peace, my sense of well being. A manufacturer had done me wrong. They have a rule and they broke it. Their answer was “maybe the next time”. Meanwhile the pain went from being done wrong to being angry and needing to go for multiple walks.

I want to share something I wrote in February of 2008 about the beginnings of my truly catching more and more about the rest of God. Hebrews 3:19 Continue reading The Rest That Refreshes!

How Has Your Garden Grown?

leejohndrowteamIn early 2009 I wrote this. Why recycle things? Because some times our revisit of history reveals things. At least it does for me. It may show me “son, this is not the first time I have talked to you about this.” Or it may show that things happened the way I or others saw it or perhaps they happened, not as we might have seen. Continue reading How Has Your Garden Grown?