Category Archives: Word of Destiny

Words given for individuals

A Day In The Prophecy Rooms

While running our prophecy rooms today, I saw lots of angelic activity. I began to wonder was it the attraction of the worship, the words or the heart sets. I may never know. But it was interesting. A young child has been seeing a rainbow “colored” angel lately. Another child saw a gold one. And I have been seeing red, white and blue ones. Angels. Continue reading A Day In The Prophecy Rooms

“It Is Balloon” Designed For Destiny

who-are-youThe balloon basket was empty. Here was this gorgeous, brightly colored balloon with no one to ride in it. As I got close to it, I spotted the small console. I wanted to get a closer look. I leaned up against the side of the basket and leaned in. It was then I saw a brilliant stone ring laying on the floor. It blazed brilliantly even with the small amount of light it was receiving. It seemed as though it was on fire. I thought I will pull it to the side and make sure the people will see it so it will not fall out and be lost when the balloon takes off. As I leaned over the edge of the basket a strong wind pushed the balloon. It caught me by surprise. I was over the edge and needed to right myself. But as I looked though the floor of the basket I saw the ground moving away. I was airborne. I took a moment to get fully in the basket. As I looked out, I was struck by the beauty of the day and realizing I had no control over this, I left the balloon to its own devices. Continue reading “It Is Balloon” Designed For Destiny

Believing For The Impossible Is Possible

fireworksWhile visiting here with a friend, out of the corner of my eye I caught what I thought was a cat or a squirrel on my steps. You know “look, squirrel”? Well, I found myself distracted and had to look over and not a squirrel or a cat or anything else human. An angel had walked down the steps. (Why it walked I do not know.) But honestly the whole thing “shook” me. I told the person it was “frightening” to me.

I know angels are good but why is it when I see them I find myself shaken? Even frightened from time to time?

Needless to say I know angels are always here and always available.

Forced to wonder why are they showing up so much?

I was sitting in the front row. Myself and a number of prophetic voices had been invited to a meeting with Bob Jones. The meeting was in a large auditorium. Each of us were to speak. I recognized many of them. There was assigned seating and I moved to the corner on the front row. The next speaker was Rick Joyner. I went to sit down. But what I realized was the seating was designed two to a chair. The style was much like fancy beach chairs. I did not think anything about it until a woman came over to the chair. This was not going to be good I thought. If nothing else this seating was extremely awkward. I looked around and saw others with similar looks. I jumped up and said “this is not happening.” The others looked at me and then other voices began to stand as well. Voices began to come forward with strength and authority. The “crowding” began to shift. As the voices increased in the room lights began to appear, sparks began to enter the atmosphere and there began to be a low rumble that sounded like thunder. As everything was happening, the “second seaters” began to disappear. Soon there was a very definitive sound in the room and clarity of voice began to emerge even as the “low thunder” continued providing a background for the voices.

In the second dream I was in a church gathering. It was my home fellowship and a meeting had just ended. I saw myself walking around the room talking and praying for people. Soon a song began to come from the front of the room. “You are so adventuresome” was the chorus and our leadership team began to engage. Something marvelous was happening despite the lateness of the day. (Service had ended.) A table appeared at the front of the church and two of our leaders began to hand out tickets of boarding to various places.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of a couple of conversations with two young people. One sat in my living room and we took the time to go over “next steps”. Next steps being “what is God showing you?” and “how can I help you?” The second conversation was young friend across the country. It was clear that she missed a lot of “being home”. I found myself saying, “I do not think it ‘get’s easier’ with missing people” after her saying she “wished she could be in ‘church’” with me.

Last week I had a dream where I “left” a piece of me behind. Something had been imparted and remained while I left. It was painful. (Even yesterday as I thought about my mom who would have been 88, a piece of me was ‘left behind’.”)

One of the ways I believe we are going to “connect” in the future is that we will begin to see “travel” of the translation or “teleport” kind. Last week I appeared in two friend’s dreams. One of those dreams I had my own dream and met up with them. When we talked we just got quiet and thought “wow, it is happening.” We “saw” similar things. (We are going to have to start carrying something not subject to time like “portal passes”.) Time miracles are happening where what would take x hours is taking ½ that. We are closing in on something we presently call miraculous, but God describes as “ME”. My dream yesterday of the “collective” force of members of the body of Life(Christ) bringing resurrection of the dead was powerful. (The Sadducees rejected the belief of the “resurrection of the dead” yet the Pharisees and others did not. Ever wonder about the Pharisees belief in raising the dead and where that came from.) Life as we know it is about to make a change.

The two dreams mean a lot to me. The first indicated a fresh breath on the prophetic from a place of rest. The rest is and will be the key to the “reviving” of the prophet and the prophetic. (Many voices are going to change in the coming days.) I do not believe it was a “woman” that came to distract us but a spirit. What I saw was men and women of the prophetic voice stirring a rumbling in the land which provided the back drop for the unique and mysterious workings of the Lord. I think the “two to a chair” spoke of the joining of the “apostle and prophet” walking together (Amos 3:3) just as we are seated at the “right hand of the Father”. Be looking for new voice to come forth. Fresh, rested, vibrant and bold.

The man in the second dream at the table was my friend Mark, an apostle here in New England. An amazing man and wonderful friend, the “boarding” passes were the result of the foundation we had seen. A prophetic word had been given to us by David Wagner, that we would be a “landing strip and place of taking off”. I felt the song was saying “sow adventure some”. The world has become a little friendlier in the last 24 hours.

Believing for the impossible to be possible is upon us. Carrying it out is in our DNA. Revelation 11:15 says “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.” The world’s kingdom is His which means it is ours and it is past tense, not something to come but to be accepted and enforced.

Today is your day. It is time to drive like you own it!

Losing Wait Is A Light Thing

fearThe low flying helicopter was seen far out on the water. The people on the shore were shouting to the men starting the helicopter on the shore, “shut it off! It’s the DEA!” I barely had time to gather my stuff and they were leading me into a warehouse. Everywhere I looked was merchandise. But not drugs from what I could see. Household goods, supplies and such were everywhere.

Once again I found myself in a dream that kept going all night. Be taking here and there I was traveled about in limos and large black town cars. I awoke this morning and let me tell you, I felt like I had been “up” all night. I never remember “waking” up here, but I was awake all the time in the dream. Continue reading Losing Wait Is A Light Thing

Sound Barriers

Fire, forward, fast
Fire, forward, fast

Sound barriers are made to be broken.

For the last couple of days I have been contemplating sound barriers. It began when I went to give a prophetic word to a friend of mine. I heard the Lord say something about sound barriers when I heard a loud noise. At first I thought it was “Thunder snow” but then I realized it was it was a breaking of the sound barrier in the spirit. Continue reading Sound Barriers

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.

What will you write today?
What will you write today?

The words appeared as I was trying to work.  “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” Clearly their idea of a minute is different than mine. After 11 minutes I realized they are on “daylight wasting time.”

From a dream last night.

I looked at the web page control panel (Something I feel I have been doing a lot lately!) and stared. The options were amazing. Unlike a standard web system where I could control color, font styles, images and such, this one was so much different.

Each panel had options for the “day”. You could choose everything for the environment from weather, location, encounters and outside or inside. You had options on other panel to choose moods, type of interactions and opportunities. The lists were full and amazing. Like an actual control panel, you could leave things open ended or you could get very definitive. You could “trust” in the system or you could become creative and let the uniqueness and personal expression come forth. Continue reading Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.

Prophecy Rooms Room 222

Today our church fellowship offers its second “prophecy rooms”. I think it is funny that it is on February 22nd. Prophetic rooms on 222. Room 222.

How many remember Room 222? Guess if you do, you can tell people you are 29 with perhaps 30 years of experience! I liked that show. It was about a school in California. Continue reading Prophecy Rooms Room 222

A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

Two dream settings

One was a school room for a get together of friends from a church I was involved in. In the dream people were invited to the gathering with the concept that our “agenda” was to love people. The difficulty came as we sat at tables to talk. After a while people began to walk out. They wanted teaching!

People went outside and finally returned after being upset that there was no “agenda”. Even in the re-announcement of what the purpose was people were disappointed that not more revelation was going to be given. (Funny they went outside to be “friends” with one another.)

The second dream was like a very large school. Huge areas, lots of students. But while I was walking around I sensed this shift.  A very clear division had begun to arise. What was supposed to be two sides of playing together began to turn very ugly. As I headed towards the stairs a young man with a rifle appeared and began to cut off my entrance to the open stairway. He came right at me and ran into me pushing me to the side. Others began to fight. Continue reading A Move Of God Is A Move Of Love

A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

In one of my dreams a person had multiple choices before them and the words, “Caesar, Caesar” were being shouted out to them. Upon awakening, I came to the conclusion that the words were really “seize her” pointing out the answer to a choice.

When I was young I was told the story of a dog with two bones. In a nutshell it comes down to choices. The dog could not decide on which bone to choose, so it chooses none and does not eat. Too often in life we have a choice. Continue reading A Dog With Two Bones- A Tale Of Choice