Tag Archives: ministry

Who Is Running The Show?

lee1-150x150.jpgAn attack on ministry?

No this is not a political statement. Nor is it a word of destruction. I am not talking about the recent shooting in the church or any other shooting or death.

This morning at about 3 I was awakened from a dream. (Not only awakened, but spent the rest of the morning, mulling over it.) Continue reading Who Is Running The Show?

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

deep wellI came home from the meeting empty. It had been one of those meetings where my heart was just not seeming to connect. Each person I prayed for I felt nothing. I felt as if I was simply going through the motions. Just doing what I had done for many years. This time was different though. I could not connect. I wanted to see people healed, delivered and set free. They were. But all I was doing was walking down the rows. It seemed like they never would be done. The meeting was over. I was spent, disappointed and frustrated. I arrived at the home folks had given to me to stay in, to work out of. I did not want to see anyone. As I walked downstairs I could hear someone whistling. I got the stairs and walked into the beautiful space. The light was bright and here was this old friend. Over by the fireplace. He had taken the newspaper article and the coverage and cut it out. On the mantel he had placed the advertisement someone had paid for. Continue reading Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

The Restoration Of Vehicles

mustangI walked down each row of vehicles. I was looking for the right car. (Funny, my wife has been asking me lately “if you could have any car…”.)The problem was that all the cars seemed to be “white” and they certainly all look the same! (One of my pet peeves as I have grown.) Finally, somehow, after what seemed to be hours I found “the car”. Lines, color and awesome. I went over to the sales person and we assembled the deal. I had my car! I went and drove it home. I enjoyed the feel, the looks, the features. But most of all, I think I enjoyed the atmosphere!

I had the car for a week or so and one morning there was a knock at the door. “Mr. Johndrow, we have come for the car. We apologize, but we sold you the wrong car. You can have another choice.” “Uhh…no… I am not sure what you are talking about, but let’s go down to the dealer together.” And we did. I walked in the office and I began to speak to the sales manager. Apparently this was not a used car but a new car and they had sold it for thousands less. I simply told them, it was not my problem and as sorry as I was for the difficulty, it was not going to happen. I called my lawyer and he spoke to them. Sheepishly, they turned to me after the call and said “enjoy the car”.

“Thanks, I will!”

Awakening from that dream, I thought for the second time in less than 24 hours that the enemy is trying to play havoc. That he is trying to take the promises of God and reduce them to nothingness. God gives promises. He bestows callings and He establishes mantles of call.

I believe the vehicle represented calling in this case. (Not always what I believe, but here I do.) Something unique to me had been given. (He has given a unique call and calling to you as well. Even this morning I am reminded of words of Bob Jones to me in 2002. And his last words I heard in 2013. I believe they are light and light and need to be held.)And true to the enemy’s nature, he is running about working hard to diminish the gift, to tarnish the blessing, even that which was “paid for”.

Yesterday, I was reviewing a dream with someone and I said, “comfort is not rest”. Since I said it, I have thought a lot about it. You can be comfortable and not be in the “rest of God”.

The enemy has been defeated, but it is you and I who must enforce the victory.

Last night’s dream showed me there are many who have been called and have been “sure” of it, but somehow the enemy has worked his way in to their thinking. It may be circumstance or situations, economics or health, but they are struggling with the idea that they were “ever really called”. I am here today to tell you this is a deception of the enemy. (I truly understand those cave days!) “Am I really called to this?”

Today I hear the winds of God blowing across our land. I see fog covered thinking being cleared. I see clouds of despair being moved away. I see the restoration of minds and of health. Even as I look over New England I hear this word, “sanctuary”. Today there is a change in the air.

My prayer is for those who have questioned the call of God in their lives. Today I encourage you to go to the Lord and seek His answers, His heart for you today.

I looked at the landscape of our region and I saw cars that were “taken” back because folks did not understand their rights or their ministry and calling. I saw vehicles parked by the road because of the enemy. I believe in this area we will see the restoration coming and again I hear “sanctuary”. I see men and women being brought into New England homes and seeing their health restored and them being made whole. No longer is New England to be considered the “frozen chosen” or a “hard place” or a “reserved people” but I see a “place of embrace” coming.

Even now I watch a broken down couple walking down the path to a beautiful home in the woods. As the hosts walk with them I see their spirits begin to lift. I hear bits of conversation. “Why would you do this for us? We never thought we would be able to think about it again.” (The other day a young woman was returned to her home after being held hostage for 9 months. Her name in Hebrew meant “my father is joy”. I remember she represents destiny.)

Here is to the restoration of men and women and their destiny, their calling and their joy.

The Cry of Eureka

preachingatvillageUncovering your answer

Yesterday I had a very unusual conversation with someone I have known but a short time. It started with the person saying something and while I was standing they kept “getting in my space”. I was sharing some of my early life before Jesus. Awkward that the room had a number of people in it. I was “trying to be quiet” but it was clear that others were listening. I realized that the listeners were 3 women and 1 man. They pretended to be “occupied” but they kept turning. The more I shared, the closer this young woman got. Everything inside of me wanted to reach out and hug her. I did reach out and put my hand on her shoulder, more to keep my distance. When I did I felt something “shift”. Continue reading The Cry of Eureka

Drill A Little Deeper

2014-05-03 13.25.11It is Fathers Day Weekend. I actually was reviewing some pics of my dad, shots with my children over the years and some letters I have received and such. I guess nostalgic would describe some of it. (This past week I actually put together a series of 5 articles on dads.) But now I have 3 of my children married (Two who are the dads.) and I think what was it like to be a young dad. Continue reading Drill A Little Deeper

Hung Up On God

leejohndrowteamThe other night I had a dream. In the dream friends were comparing me and a friend of mine to one another. The difficulty was that they were making my friend sound “less spiritual” because he did not talk about the prophetic, visions or dreams. I though about it for a while and I realized that they were looking for the “fire” while my friend was trying to impart strength and understanding of the word of God.

The schisms are less than before but we still have division. We speak of Psalm 133 and yet we allow things to divide us. Continue reading Hung Up On God

Which Way Do You Lean?

preachingatvillageThis past weekend I had the privilege to speak in our local fellowship, The Village Church. But whether I preached or not, I would not change the fact that I believe people can live better, freer and wiser in their lives just by changing their “dependency”. Their dependency? Yes. Where their dependency is on is where they receive advice, counsel and understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. Continue reading Which Way Do You Lean?

In A New Season

Don’t lose your vision.

I am in a new season of my life. So many things have changed in the last year. Only a little more than a year ago I was in the publishing business. Then mysterious illness overtook me. One day I was up and the next day I was violently ill. It caused me to not be able to go ahead in what I was doing.

The next year was pretty crazy and here I am. Sickness was caused environmentally so moving resolved it, but I had a lot of time to think.

What I am finding and being encouraged in is something new. It has to do with where I fellowship and what I do. Team building and education are two of the big parts. Continue reading In A New Season

An Update From The Home Front

2013-12-07 07.11.30A lot of folks have asked how we are doing with all the changes, so I am giving you a general update.

So what is life looking like overall?

New Place To Live

Our new apartment is great! A shade smaller, but much more homey. The family loves it. So much quieter. So much healthier. It looks like Christmas. Nice yard area. Yep!


Ministry is shifting for both of us. Tina is leading a women’s group they have called Embrace Your Call. She continues to deal with the more “difficult” ministry of game night. I am working more with the prophetic side of life at the Village.


Our grandchildren are doing well. Many really good things are going on. My three oldest grandchildren are here nearly every weekend and so I get to hang out a lot with them. I see Naomi at least once a week. Hannah a couple of times a month. The newest baby is a few months away. Keep watching!

I am excited that I see most of my children a couple of times a month.

My Wife’s Job Loss

A few weeks ago my wife was laid off from her job. After many years of being a loyal employee the loyalty was “repaid” by keeping the new employee. (Just this past week a friend of mine lost his job of 27 years.)

Someone asked me what it is like to have her home. Well, in some respects it is like we are on vacation without the vacation.

People often make plans but when we project answers we get in trouble. Here we thought, “we move, I get a job, life is good!”

So, we are continuing to find our walk together while we are in the same house.

A lot of her day is devoted to finding work. That means she needs our computer. Which means we have to work out a schedule that is feasible to both of us.

We are both seeking work.

So that is the long and short of it. Life is exciting. We are readying for the holidays and Christmas is in view. Looking forward to friends, family and food!

We appreciate you!


Why The Fivefold Ministry? My Answers.

Many folks are coming into a revelation of the need for the fivefold ministry. It is often easy to see the results when we do not see this gifts operative or available.

My own understanding of the need, the hows and whys have changed over the years. So for “today” here are my thoughts!

By what every joint supplies!