Response-Ability To God

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I have noticed something this week, or perhaps it became more apparent. For a long time I have extolled the virtues of being nice. Of making declaration of light and life over situations. I believe it to be the way of the Lord to extend light and the hand of love into situations. It does not mean I am unwilling to have those difficult conversations or address bad behavior. It simply means I believe in Jesus and His teaching. And now I am seeing new results. Continue reading Response-Ability To God

Bringing Family To The Forefront

brightI can reminisce about the days of my youth. Not even how much more agile or able to do more things I was, but the time and the season in my life where life was dear. Where the pace of life was different unless you chose to speed it up. Would I not want children to spend less time in front of a TV screen or imagine life without a cell phone in favor of being outside? Now understand, I value technology, but I do not value our response to it. Anymore than I appreciate one sided reporting or the drama of a storm. I can bemoan the fact that people are too knowledgeable yet lacking in common sense. That we have chosen safety over reality in so many cases. That we have allowed ourselves to be regulated into a corner. Or be concerned that simple education has become so simple that it seems like everyone must pass or else. Continue reading Bringing Family To The Forefront

Hearing For The Family Fantastic

leejohndrowteamLast night our home group was on the topic of Hearing God For Your Family. Frankly it is an emotional topic because we came from family! Perhaps in your mind it was non-existent but somehow some way there was a parent or two, which means grandparents. Family. Continue reading Hearing For The Family Fantastic

The Price Is Right Hearing

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

The building had been reduced to $187,000 from $330,000 during negotiations. The question was, would we be prudent to continue to seek a better price (Possibly losing it.) or ought we consider this price? As we sat around the table and had the discussion, some of us were challenged with the bigger picture, was this what we needed to do? Yes, it expanded our hand print into the city. Yes, it was a good building in good shape. Yes, clearly the value was there for us. Continue reading The Price Is Right Hearing

The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

preachingatvillageThe man stood at the front of the second floor church assembly. I noticed that the wall had been removed to make more room. I was putting additional chairs in the room, making more room for people. There was a part of me that was feeling an undercurrent of something was “wrong” but honestly I was finding myself too busy taking care of getting people seated and everything squared away. Finally the last chair was in place. People were coming in and I sat to the side. Continue reading The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Potentially Incredible

leejohndrowteamAs the Northeast faces Snomageddon (The potential of being the largest storm “ever”.)people are making changes and the storm has not arrived. Okay, I do understand wisdom and I do understand snow. I have been in New England for the most part nearly 60 years. I do not think it is “funny” to not get to work or to have trips disrupted or to have your kids home!!! But this storm or any other puts some things on the table. Continue reading Potentially Incredible

Controversy Can Lead To Solutions

brightThis morning while pondering thoughts, events and such, I began to think on the following. Before I begin I want to establish “this is opinion” and not to be construed to be teaching or doctrine. (I do not want my phone pinging through worship this morning!) Continue reading Controversy Can Lead To Solutions

A Snippet Can Tip It

preachingatvillageYesterday I came home from work to see my wife had hung a bunch of pictures, paintings and photos. I had seen them years before but the last few years since the loss of our home it has been low on the priority list to hang anything up and they were in a closet. So I found it pretty cool. (A while ago someone gave me a word about hanging pictures. I wish I remembered who, but I see they were right.) I looked at them and thought about origins and beginnings. A few years ago I described prophecy as “pictures on the wall”. Jacob came in and he was impressed with Tina’s work as well Continue reading A Snippet Can Tip It

A New Side Of Prepping

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Yesterday I wrote on revival and more specifically the growing wave of His presence in the New England area. Many many people read and shared this word with friends and of course, I would like to say thank you. I think the growing consensus is that what we embraced, held fast during powerful times of revival, renewal and the presence of God did not carry over into the lives we lived. I get it. People quit jobs, left spouses and abandoned children. But any believer who has opened their Bible knows that, that type of behavior is NOT reflective of God, His character or His teaching. That response was not God. Continue reading A New Side Of Prepping

Can You Hear The Train?

leejohndrowteamWe walked around looking at the track. One section of the train track was in need of repair. And then there was the train itself. The chief came over to us and said “everything you have been doing is on hold. The only thing I want from you is to get this train up and running”. Continue reading Can You Hear The Train?