Category Archives: Blogposts

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled!

leejohndrowteamA few days ago my son and I were walking as we often do at work. Our break is a loop. The loop takes us past government buildings and brings us uphill to a walking/bicycle path. As we approached the small hill to get to the path, I heard a very loud noise. I joked that “I hope they are working up there, because that sounds terrible.” As we neared the tree line, it became evident it was not a man but an animal of some type. We reached the path and turned to the right. The noises increased. It was painful to listen to. My son moved a little closer and said, “it’s a hawk in a nest.” A small bird was sweeping in to try and move it. The bird was “shrieking” at the hawk and the hawk’s response was a guttural cry. It appeared that the hawk had moved in to take over the nest, perhaps eating the small birds. Continue reading Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled!

Charged Up For Him

explosionOne night some 5 years ago the following happened and I wrote about it.

As Tina and I sat there watching something on the TV, we heard a
“pop.” At first I thought it was the wind throwing something at the window. A little while later. “Pow!” This was way too weird. Someone was shooting at us! Seconds later the third “pop!” I jumped up and ran into the kitchen. I looked to the area of smoke coming from the wall. Oh no! The batteries had blown up for my camera.

How had it happened? There are two types of rechargeable batteries. I had used one for so long, I forgot to hit the switch when I
introduced a different kind. The power was too much for them. They
exploded, leaking into the charger and onto the floor. (Hey, at least
we weren’t being shot at!)

In my life and the lives of others, we want to see more of God. We
cry out “more!” But what happens when He shows up? I am convinced it is not always the way we think it is going to be. Maybe we will be like the battery, coming to the place where we can not absorb any more of what He is doing, because we have to make room for the new.

“I must decrease that He might increase.” Maybe it just doesn’t seem to be a “wow” in our life but if we really looked around we would see the increase.

Busyness must go. I have too many friends, too much family and too
little time. I do not want to “explode” no longer able to contain or
do what He is asking of me.

There was an old Monkees’ song. In it, a pig ate so much…he popped. If I am going to “pop” I want it to be a release of the goodness of God and His grace over all those He holds dear.

That is what I wrote in 2009. Even now I “hear” the explosion of some as God overtakes them, overshadows them, bringing increase in their lives. Not all increase is visible or evident in our mind. But it does not mean it is not there. I see so many looking to create “excitement” to make something happen. The greatest excitement for me is giving a word or praying for someone at work and and seeing it work. Everyday people walk over to talk to me and I get opportunities. Part of not exploding is allowing the “charge” you have gained to go out and do something. Not to hoard it or to save it.

This morning I awoke and my cell phone was dead. (It was at 100% last night.) I came down and went to turn on my computer. The cord had come out last night. It was “dead” as well. I awoke 15 minutes late this AM, and went through some old words. This one jumped out. On batteries. (It was the next one I was using from a week ago!)

What does it mean? I submit to you the following thinking.

Many have “unplugged” from their source. I am not suggesting they are not saved, just not plugged into the source, who is Jesus. Not spending time or allowing other things to build up. There is no “charge” to give from because there has been no charge received. In real life when a battery drops to a certain point, a light will dim, certain features stop working and more. The same is true in real life. Yes, you still have Jesus, but that verve for life wanes, not everything works and it is “hard to remember” when it did!

A battery is more than a storage device; it is an energy provider. So are the people of God.

Today, spend some time with Him. Allow Him to recharge you. Allow His word to refresh you. Don’t wait for the “pop” but give away what you have received.

The Restoration Of Vehicles

mustangI walked down each row of vehicles. I was looking for the right car. (Funny, my wife has been asking me lately “if you could have any car…”.)The problem was that all the cars seemed to be “white” and they certainly all look the same! (One of my pet peeves as I have grown.) Finally, somehow, after what seemed to be hours I found “the car”. Lines, color and awesome. I went over to the sales person and we assembled the deal. I had my car! I went and drove it home. I enjoyed the feel, the looks, the features. But most of all, I think I enjoyed the atmosphere!

I had the car for a week or so and one morning there was a knock at the door. “Mr. Johndrow, we have come for the car. We apologize, but we sold you the wrong car. You can have another choice.” “Uhh…no… I am not sure what you are talking about, but let’s go down to the dealer together.” And we did. I walked in the office and I began to speak to the sales manager. Apparently this was not a used car but a new car and they had sold it for thousands less. I simply told them, it was not my problem and as sorry as I was for the difficulty, it was not going to happen. I called my lawyer and he spoke to them. Sheepishly, they turned to me after the call and said “enjoy the car”.

“Thanks, I will!”

Awakening from that dream, I thought for the second time in less than 24 hours that the enemy is trying to play havoc. That he is trying to take the promises of God and reduce them to nothingness. God gives promises. He bestows callings and He establishes mantles of call.

I believe the vehicle represented calling in this case. (Not always what I believe, but here I do.) Something unique to me had been given. (He has given a unique call and calling to you as well. Even this morning I am reminded of words of Bob Jones to me in 2002. And his last words I heard in 2013. I believe they are light and light and need to be held.)And true to the enemy’s nature, he is running about working hard to diminish the gift, to tarnish the blessing, even that which was “paid for”.

Yesterday, I was reviewing a dream with someone and I said, “comfort is not rest”. Since I said it, I have thought a lot about it. You can be comfortable and not be in the “rest of God”.

The enemy has been defeated, but it is you and I who must enforce the victory.

Last night’s dream showed me there are many who have been called and have been “sure” of it, but somehow the enemy has worked his way in to their thinking. It may be circumstance or situations, economics or health, but they are struggling with the idea that they were “ever really called”. I am here today to tell you this is a deception of the enemy. (I truly understand those cave days!) “Am I really called to this?”

Today I hear the winds of God blowing across our land. I see fog covered thinking being cleared. I see clouds of despair being moved away. I see the restoration of minds and of health. Even as I look over New England I hear this word, “sanctuary”. Today there is a change in the air.

My prayer is for those who have questioned the call of God in their lives. Today I encourage you to go to the Lord and seek His answers, His heart for you today.

I looked at the landscape of our region and I saw cars that were “taken” back because folks did not understand their rights or their ministry and calling. I saw vehicles parked by the road because of the enemy. I believe in this area we will see the restoration coming and again I hear “sanctuary”. I see men and women being brought into New England homes and seeing their health restored and them being made whole. No longer is New England to be considered the “frozen chosen” or a “hard place” or a “reserved people” but I see a “place of embrace” coming.

Even now I watch a broken down couple walking down the path to a beautiful home in the woods. As the hosts walk with them I see their spirits begin to lift. I hear bits of conversation. “Why would you do this for us? We never thought we would be able to think about it again.” (The other day a young woman was returned to her home after being held hostage for 9 months. Her name in Hebrew meant “my father is joy”. I remember she represents destiny.)

Here is to the restoration of men and women and their destiny, their calling and their joy.

Choosing To Go Over

leejohndrowteamLast night a good friend called me. Ironically I was headed to bed, having already fallen asleep earlier, sometime around 7. (It was a l-o-n-g day.) But we had not spoken for a long time. His wife has been dealing with some pretty unusual sickness issues. I wanted to bring comfort and so I stayed up. On some levels it was more for me than for him.

A lot of our conversation was focused on the “next” step. I needed that. Continue reading Choosing To Go Over

I Hear Raise The Praise!

StardustThis morning I had three very intense dreams.

The first was this. I and a group that I worked with were in a very high skyscraper of sorts, looking out over the “city” below. We were people of prayer and we would “see” situations and deliver them to our folks to pray. The room was circular, allowing us 360 degrees of “view. We could “look” anywhere. The building was self contained. We were dressed as if we were at work in a business office in the city. Jackets, ties, dresses and such. Each visible desk had multiple monitors but no visible computers or even wires.

It was at a point, where I was explaining something was “going” on and we were going to have to leave, that two or three of us said, “Look! They are breaking in! They have overcome the guards and security stations. When I asked “how close” I was answered with now. We could hear them in a hallway or elevator shaft. Our staff walked over to a door that exited out into an area like a subway. (Keep in mind we are high above the world below…) It was a crazy glass or clear plastic tube that we all got into and in moments were somewhere else, seemingly miles and miles away from the danger.

In dream two, I and a friend encountered a group of people on an old farm. As I listened to what was being said, I realized that “it was wrong”. The words were condemnatory and dangerous. They were inciting people in such a way that others were in danger. I walked into the large barn and asked if I could share some things. I was denied and they threatened my life. I turned to my friends, but they had already left. I decided it was a “now or never” moment. And with that I began to speak. As my words went out I saw what could only be “described” as a liquid calm overtaking the barnful of people.

Dream three-I was living in a community very similar to the one I live in now. There had been a suicide by a young girl. I went with a couple of friends to visit the family. As we were driving, one of the women in the car began to get very agitated and started to talk loudly. As we made a right hand turn onto another larger street, I looked to her and simply said, “don’t you trust me”. I woke up with those words on my lips. In fact it woke me up. I closed my eyes, not to sleep, but to refocus. And even as she began to yell more and more, I felt myself “leave” the vehicle and get there. I saw myself and a friend praying for this young girl as life restored. The young people around us just sat there and began to cry. It was not long after that the car full of people arrived to a room full of people who were revived by the spirit of God, forsaking drugs and immorality.

As I talked to my friend in another room our discussion was “they are believing lies.” They are taking scripture and calling them musing. This is why they are being hurt. (Not scriptural truth but deception was being brought forth.)

I felt these words in my chest…”You want change? Be the change…”

We are in the midst of something crazy. So much is wrong while so much is right. People think this is the way it is to be. I am not so sure. Polarization? Continued danger? (I remember a young woman from South Africa telling me she did not stop at stops signs and stop lights in a America, because she still could not wrap her brain about the idea people would not grab her like they would in her home country.) It is time for the people of God to remove fear from their lives and perfect the love of the Father through their expression of Him. What are you speaking? What are you saying? What are you doing?

I believe the first dream spoke of people seeing situations and circumstances and taking Godly authority over them. Certainly I believe evils is being “released” but I believe God is releasing the “hearing of God” on His people in this hour. Not just the seeing. I believe He is going to keep safe those that cling to Him and listen. We have the power to overcome sickness and disease, death and destruction. Creative miracles are being called into play.

The second dream indicates that there is a clear message of goodness that will overtake the people. Clear leadership will arise in this nation. People thought of least will become the most in His kingdom and I hear the words “rapid deployment”. God’s supernatural peace is being tapped into. Touched and pulled in.

The third dream reminded me of Lazarus and his rising. Death can not contain. Real deal miracles are in abundance.

I am hearing even in this moment that there is a rapid deployment of folks who see and hear, speaking His peace in a storm and even raising the dead. I feel the Lord is saying “prepare your heart” for you have not encountered this in your lives. I felt there is a “need for seed” and God gives seed to the sower. There are many who are sowing and it is in this hour that seed must come. I speak to those who thought their season was over, their hour was sour, but even now I see a refreshing. It will require changes in thinking. For some I hear that you must go the place of influence and regain that which was lost.

I believe it is time for the return of praise to the lips of His people and to His church. (I am reminded of a meeting I attended some 20 plus years ago. We were not allowed in the building, but literally thousands of us stood and turned away from the stadium to “face the city”. Songs of praise began to come forth over Indianapolis in that early morning sun. Louder and louder, stronger and stronger. Even the protesters were swept up in it.)

I hear raise the praise(prays?…) to remove the malaise.

A New Season…What Does That Mean…

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

A new season…

What does that really mean? How do we digest that? What do we do with that? So often we think a new season is going to be great, but what if it isn’t?

For instance I began a new season a few months ago. By my standards (And others…) I failed. For the first time in my life I was “unsuccessful” and did not meet goals or expectations. Was that a good season? Does God look at it and say “you failed” or you had a bad season?

The result of my “bad season” is I have turned inward. I have stayed closer to God. (Further from friends and family.) I don’t have my verve. I am not sure what it looks like to be like Paul and Silas in a prison singing praise. Do not get me wrong. I have praised God. Only yesterday I am sure some folks thought I was “loose” from somewhere as I sang my songs of praise.

Here we are. August.

As I spoke to many people, most were ready for July to end. It had not “panned” out the way they thought. So what are our standards? I had a new grandchild. Made a couple of new friends. What is your thought?

I believe that the “hunger” for the Lord to move has increased. Things often change in a day or a moment. Only last month people wanted Health Care resolved but today it is the fears caused by the border explosion: hungry children, disease and violence.

Down seasons can make you bitter or better. They can reduce you or increase you. Who is your hope tied to?

Lee…where is the word? I believe this is it.

Today is the day of the beginning. The day where you can say “I am going to praise God in my season of downness”. To recognize God with my praise. To look for Him in what I do not see Him doing yet. To review what He did do for me in my season of down, of apparent failure. To recognize He is “now” in my now.

I looked at Joseph. The man who seemed to lose coats. The man who went from the pit to Potiphar’s, to the prison to the palace. How long did he sit in his place of apparent failure, of despair while in the pit? How long did he languish after he gave a “great” word to a baker and a butler? What was his standard? Did he give up? Did he stop giving words or interpreting dreams? Apparently not, because it was an interpretation that set him free.

Will you extend grace in your pit? Will you minister in your prison? Will you not waver in the “house of Potiphar”?

My time in “darkness” has revealed to me what I am good at and what I am not.

August. The dictionary describes the word August, as majestic, imposing, dignified or of noble birth. So, I say to you this day, what will you birth of majesty, of dignity? Will you release that which has been within you all these years?

Regardless of your prison or palace, God is in you, seeking a place to express Himself through you. Whether it is in the work place or in the grocery store. God invested in you. He invested with a return in mind and He is a long term investor. Regardless of the season, the return is coming.

Thy Kingdom Come!

leejohndrowteamI was up at 3 this morning. I would like to tell you I “had a reason”, but that would not be truth. For some reason, I woke and found myself wanting to or needing to pray. I found myself praying for situations in our country. Troubling, difficult situations. It matters less about what they are and simply that we know to pray.

As I lay there wanting to sleep but knowing it was not fruitful, I began to see people and places. I felt like I was overhead, zooming down from an eagle’s perspective. Silently I would view a circumstance or an individual only to find myself “needing” to pray. Continue reading Thy Kingdom Come!

Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”

What if...
What if…

One of the most difficult pieces of working for me was the idea that creativity has evaporated. So, when a few weeks ago, I had the flash of creativity over a topic, my world was changed. For the weeks and months before I had thought I am “creatively dead”. (Even as I wrote this I hear the words, “unless a seed fall to the ground and die…” John 12:24) Continue reading Creativity Is More Than A “Good Idea”

A Change In The Weather

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Many years ago I was part of a canoe trip on Lake George. Lake George is 30 plus miles long. A large wind had kicked up and a storm had blown over the westerly side of the lake. The waves were easily 3 feet high and feeling like they were climbing. I was not worried abut drowning or getting injured, but I was worried about what would happen if the canoes capsized with the food in them, as well as our clothes and such. The wind increased and the waters whitened on the crest of the waves. Out of the fog and the mist appeared one of the Lake George steam ships. As it cut across in front of us, the wake got higher and higher. I could see the waves headed towards our 7 canoes. Above the roar of the waves and wind the counselors were screaming, “hit it at a 45 degree angle!!!” Everyone began to adjust their canoes. As canoes disappeared in the troughs of the waves, my thought was the food! Continue reading A Change In The Weather

Salmon And The Land Of New England

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Like many children I learned to fish at my dad’s feet. My dad had been an awesome fisherman. He fished all kids of fish, all kinds of places. One of the main rivers he took us to fish was a tributary to the Connecticut River. I loved to fish and while I preferred lake fishing and live bait, I learned the ways of the river and the fish.

Last night I was in a meeting and I saw my dad, I saw fish and I saw something that I saw from roughly 1995-2001. It was during that time I saw something involving fish and spirituality. On the way home from the meeting I was reminded of it and saw the emphasis of. Continue reading Salmon And The Land Of New England