Category Archives: Blogposts

The Whys Of The Wise

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Sixteen years ago I wrote the following article. Amazing how much has changed. I value “why” more than “how” or “what”. I value action because “I can” and not because “I have to”. I control my time and not the other way around. I love more.

5/14/98 Action/Reaction

Yesterday, Tina and I had a conversation over action versus reaction. I told her that I wanted to be actionary, as so much of what I do as a pastor is from a reaction position. Continue reading The Whys Of The Wise

Let The Children Come To Me…

MarcelThinking about the children.

Today my grandson will undergo minor surgery. My daughter in love will soon give birth to a new baby girl. I love the children. This past weekend I saw all my grandchildren. I was truly grandfathered in! I can not imagine life without them!

Matthew 19:14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Continue reading Let The Children Come To Me…

If You Make It…You Will Change The World

What if...
What if…

Last night I had three dreams. Each one was about manufacturing, about making something. Three dreams about various aspects. So, I will share the last first. Continue reading If You Make It…You Will Change The World

The “No Checking Out” Line

MarcelNo checking out.

This morning as I was thinking about dreams, visions, hope and such, I felt the words begin to form, “You can’t check out”. I began to ponder it and think what does this mean.

Many years ago in my first marriage, I remember an older man saying “you two can handle the family reunion. It is time for young people to take over.” I remember the subsequent thinking on how that was meant in their eyes, that they were “done” with things. It was on a new generation. I also remember listening to the “why did you do that” and the “I would not do it that way” later on. Continue reading The “No Checking Out” Line

Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

2014-05-16 18.40.52The other day I wrote about the word turnaround and how I saw a top to bottom overturn in so many areas. I saw things changing governmentally, economically. Many had this “first” response. “It’s easy to say what you can not see. Anybody can do that.” I believe everyone can do that, but I do not believe everyone wants to or thinks it right to do so. I am not looking to be justified in the accuracy of a word in the next 10 minutes or 10 days. Continue reading Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

Past Your Pain Point

leejohndrowteamI thought about something a friend wrote yesterday. He was talking about the difference between a New Testament prophet and an Old Testament one.

Understandably, an Old Testament prophet would pronounce judgment on a nation. A New Testament prophet, however, can not ignore the fact that NOW we’re given a ministry of announcing, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their sins against them…”. “Counting their sins” isn’t prophetic but seeing their destiny IS. Continue reading Past Your Pain Point

Wanting To Hear From The Lord

leejohndrowteamI have been around long enough to have seen a few things in my life. One of the things I do is encourage people to hear from the Lord. To hear from Him directly. How do I know? Everywhere I turn there are dream sites and meetings. I have taught on prophecy and dreams for years.

But there are two observations I have. One is the person who is always looking for an answer from someone. (I personally believe you hear better for you than I do for you!) They are wanting to have someone else do it. I think it interesting that we think enough of a dream or a word to believe it from God but we do not trust that we have the ability to employ discernment or understanding. Wisdom AND revelation ought to walk together Continue reading Wanting To Hear From The Lord

The Victory Is Mine!

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

If there is one thing I have figured out about the Lord is He loves a winner. But His method and manner of getting a winner often begins with one who has lost a time or two. Or is too small. Or too weak. But somehow the miracle working power of the Almighty Himself changes a person into a winner. He takes the normal everyday life of a man or woman and supercharges it. Continue reading The Victory Is Mine!

Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

2014-03-15 11.16.51I awoke today feeling a little “disconnected”. I am not sure the cause but something feels different. Even though, as I have for over 20 plus years, awoke with a song running in the background and people on my heart. That part is the same. But I thought about people who are “missing” out on His goodness because of fear. Continue reading Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

Character And Grace

preachingatvillageWhile reading the news this morning in the quiet I have before the day starts, I thought how different is life these days. How much do people really think is important? How much responsibility do they think they have? If there is one thing that defines character, it is most likely accepting the responsibility for “failure” and doing something about it. Continue reading Character And Grace