Category Archives: Lee Johndrow

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment


We are in trying times. Divisive times. Perhaps this is one of the greatest times for mercy to arise in the body of Christ.

James 2:13 (ESV)  For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

But in the midst of all of this, those that ought to be most merciful, seem to be the most judgmental. So much so that I was sharing with my wife, Tina, how punitive so many were. Continue reading Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

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"Use me!"

With a new season comes new changes . One of those changes will be in my method of contact.

I will be reducing what is offered in Facebook, Twitter or other methods. Mostly because I would like to focus on those who are participating.

Because of that change I will be offering an email selection that will allow you to get information on the basis you have time for.

Currently there will be 2 methods.

One will be a “daily” email”. The other a “weekly” email.

The daily will appear virtually every day.


Visit our page on opportunities to participate in this ministry.

New Seasons Have New Reasons

leejohndrowteamThis last week completed a very important season in my life. It was one of submitted obedience for me. To stop doing something I had done for years and change my focus. It caused me to be pulled into another world.

What was it you might ask? It was writing another book, this time on fathers. And because of my schedule it added the fact that each morning I would only have until 7AM to get what I was going to do, done. Whether I awoke at 5 or 6 that is all the time I would have. Continue reading New Seasons Have New Reasons

60 Years On Planet Earth!

My mom and dad bring me home!
My mom and dad bring me home!

My birthday.

Amazing! I cross over to 60 years old. What an amazing time it has been.

This year’s birthday will be celebrated much like my early birthdays were. On a lake. In the Adirondacks.

I made the decision earlier this year to invite my children to the lake region of New York State. The Adirondacks. Continue reading 60 Years On Planet Earth!

Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

indian lake 1In a few short weeks my family and I will go away to the Adirondacks. Our first Johndrow vacation. Children and their children. On a lake with a boat and a beach.

So often in the world of Christianity, we have forgot the nature of having fun, times of respite and the over riding desire of family to be together. Continue reading Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

Déjà vu And You

leejohndrowteamHave you ever been some where you know you have been before? Seen the same people? Deja vu? What if it was true that you had really been there? That happened to me last night.

I was in a meeting in our fellowship. A meeting of leaders. A meal to bless them to be followed by a worship time and sharing by a great friend, Randall Worley Continue reading Déjà vu And You

Arisen In New England

leejohndrowteamA few days ago, I was praying about some things and I felt this powerful pressure come upon me. It caused me to sense I was in His presence. I grabbed my phone and recorded what was being said. Part of it I am going to share today. I sense that it is for today predicated on a few things. The world seems to be moving in slow motion this morning. And I had a powerful dream that I am going to have to process through. I had something totally different to work on this morning in mind, but I believe this is it. Continue reading Arisen In New England