Category Archives: Teaching

Removing Darkness For Goodness’ Sake


leejohndrowteamThis morning I went through some technology frustration. This program would not shut off. Another would not respond. Things did not work the way I had planned or the way they ought to. So, I find myself running a little later than normal. Delays are great opportunities to see patience worked out in one’s life! Continue reading Removing Darkness For Goodness’ Sake

Fallen Walls & Burnt Gates

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

My friend Pat wrote about Nehemiah yesterday. Describing his ministry as well as the ministry of Paul and who we might be needing in the coming day. It triggered something. I like Nehemiah. I like a lot of what he stands for. Represents. Does. Nehemiah has been on my heart for a few weeks. The Lord has been breaking out some cool things that I “knew” but probably was not ready for in recent days. Continue reading Fallen Walls & Burnt Gates

Wanted – Discernment For The Win

preachingatvillageYears ago I came to the conclusion that if you persevered, you could change outcomes. That if you were strategic you could set things in motion. I even went through a stage, where I made up words-my friends called them Lee-isms. Sometimes phrases. Overtime I came to see two phrases used nationally. And the more influence one develops or the more catchy the phrase, the more likely it is to be accepted. Continue reading Wanted – Discernment For The Win

Bearing Straight! Because We Can!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I started to write on a dream I had. (Riding a swimming horse. Getting out of the water. Sharks. Nets. A light house. The Bering Strait, reins and a bridle.) I chose not to.  (Other things were on my mind.) I began to change gears only to see the revelation coming… Continue reading Bearing Straight! Because We Can!

Response-Ability To God

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I have noticed something this week, or perhaps it became more apparent. For a long time I have extolled the virtues of being nice. Of making declaration of light and life over situations. I believe it to be the way of the Lord to extend light and the hand of love into situations. It does not mean I am unwilling to have those difficult conversations or address bad behavior. It simply means I believe in Jesus and His teaching. And now I am seeing new results. Continue reading Response-Ability To God

Hearing For The Family Fantastic

leejohndrowteamLast night our home group was on the topic of Hearing God For Your Family. Frankly it is an emotional topic because we came from family! Perhaps in your mind it was non-existent but somehow some way there was a parent or two, which means grandparents. Family. Continue reading Hearing For The Family Fantastic

The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

preachingatvillageThe man stood at the front of the second floor church assembly. I noticed that the wall had been removed to make more room. I was putting additional chairs in the room, making more room for people. There was a part of me that was feeling an undercurrent of something was “wrong” but honestly I was finding myself too busy taking care of getting people seated and everything squared away. Finally the last chair was in place. People were coming in and I sat to the side. Continue reading The Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Potentially Incredible

leejohndrowteamAs the Northeast faces Snomageddon (The potential of being the largest storm “ever”.)people are making changes and the storm has not arrived. Okay, I do understand wisdom and I do understand snow. I have been in New England for the most part nearly 60 years. I do not think it is “funny” to not get to work or to have trips disrupted or to have your kids home!!! But this storm or any other puts some things on the table. Continue reading Potentially Incredible

Controversy Can Lead To Solutions

brightThis morning while pondering thoughts, events and such, I began to think on the following. Before I begin I want to establish “this is opinion” and not to be construed to be teaching or doctrine. (I do not want my phone pinging through worship this morning!) Continue reading Controversy Can Lead To Solutions