This morning I was talking to someone afflicted by pain. Many are “going through something.” I get it. I also know that the answer to your affliction well resides in you. James even says “are you afflicted? Pray.” (James 5:13) It also instructs one who is sick to go the elders of the church. Continue reading It’s The Masked Marauders! Stop Them!→
This morning I was thinking about the dreams of “ungodly” men and women. As I began to think about the dreams, I was drawn to the idea that many times in the scriptures men and women who were not “walking” with God received a dream from the Lord. That changed them. Shaped them.
Genesis 20 tells us the story of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham lied to Abimelech about who Sarah was. Telling him it was his sister and not his wife. Abimelech moved Sarah in with him. That night the Lord invades Abimelech’s dreams with a dream about the lie told to him. Continue reading Dreams Or Disaster?→
There may well be a difference between supporting someone and being a friend or seeing something as ministry.
First, let me say, here in the United States I appreciate our Constitution and in particular the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Continue reading Support Or Ministry? Discernment Or Disaster?→
Yesterday I had a meeting and the topic that came out of it was a “dream center.” The day before someone said “your life is predicated on dreams. You ought to consider a dream center.” So what about dreams?
While working on the manual for prophetic workshops I find I devote a lot prophecy changing a life.
A number of years ago I was invited to a meeting. I was asked to minister to youth. Imagine my surprise to arrive and find out they were “heavy metal” followers not with Jesus. I found that out after the meeting but I was pretty sure! An outreach. The owners of the club asked me to step right on up in the midst of their play “because they will never stop playing if you don’t.” There were over 80 of these young people. Whatever message I had planned went right out the window because I was not aware of what I was “walking into.” So I stepped up and they respectfully stopped. As I went to “minister” I broke open my life before Jesus. And then the powerful spirit of prophecy was released.Continue reading What Are Your Dreams? A Piece Of Heaven→
I find the power of temptation is to appeal to something you may have previously engaged in or been part of. The temptation is designed to “pull you away” from a pathway. Not so much the pathway of righteousness, but the pathway of understanding who you are in Him. The temptation is created to cause doubt, fear or condemnation to occur.
The devil is a defeated foe (John 12:31, 16:11) who lives his life as the father of lies. (John 8:44) But God who is faithful has built roadblocks. (1 Corinthians 10:13) He has given you a way out. Continue reading Temptation And The Power Of It→
Last night one of my dreams put me in the position of being “hurt” by others and watching them be hurt as well. The hurts were physical. Not deadly or catastrophic but those little “pains” that you know have a deadlier or more sinister meaning. You know the feeling, like you are going to pay for it later or they would have hurt you more had no one been looking.
I woke up feeling not “my pain” but the pains of the many whom were hurting. What I realized was I was the only guy in the dream. These young women were taking their hurts (As they hurt each other.) out on me. Even in the dream I thought this unusual. For one I did not recognize any of them that I could recollect. And I knew I had not seen them until I walked by them on the street or in the park where I was. Continue reading The Nails That Hold Fast – A Dream About Women→
One of the hardest things about being a believer is watching people, friends and family go through difficult times. Particularly those that are within their grasp to control. Too often the choices that one makes determine the quality of the answer.
What about choices? As one of my dear friends Roger stated at a funeral not too long ago in his own inimitable way. “Get a job. Be a good person. Do not be a bum. Do not marry a bum. Do not let your kids be bums.” Over the years he has said similar things like, “if you do drugs the handwriting is on the wall.” Now both he and I believe God can help restore and bring those people into better circumstances. But so often it is choices…then and now. Continue reading Unraveling The Raveled – Pulling Light Out Of Darkness→
Too often I and others have sought answers rather than Him. Perhaps our question ought to be a pursuit of Him.
Over the years I have watched people seek the Lord for “answers.” We have made formulas for how God is to answer. “God answers ‘yes, no or maybe later’” is an example of what we have built upon. We have told people that we can have whatever we ask in keeping with Jesus’ word. So many things we (And I say “we” because I have participated in them.) have set up as rules…in a kingdom where there are no rules. If asked “is this how God works?” my answer might be yes at the time. But at others no. Why the reason for my apparent “have it both ways” you might ask. The reason is God is not a God of rules but of relationship. Continue reading Yes No Or Maybe…→
I know I should prepare myself “better” for the circumstances I encounter but for whatever reason I don’t so I guess I should not be ashamed or surprised when I run into one that causes me to come to tears.
Last night I had a dream about being a spy. I thought to myself that I seem to have a lot of spy dreams like that. About being a spy or being in enemy territories. I wondered why. I thought perhaps being a spy is a way of reaching people. But Jesus was not a spy. He was a man of no reputation. People often did not even know who He was. He had to tell the soldiers who He was in the garden. (So maybe it is not about being a spy but hidden in Him.)