Tag Archives: community

Community Changers Arise!

leejohndrowteamYesterday as I went for a walk with my grandchildren, I realized I had “missed” something over the summer. Probably it was simply the summer! But as I walked down a path with them and looked at the river, the foliage and even the path, I saw two things. The power of God and His people.

I asked myself what changes a region or a community for the better. Clearly there were the two pieces I envisioned. One was people. The other was God. As I walked I saw the changes. Some good. Some not so good. How do we make it better? I personally believe that His people change a community for the better. Not just the “good” people but the people who release God into a community. Continue reading Community Changers Arise!

Disconnected No More

2014-08-09 13.57.03Last night I had the opportunity and pleasure to sit with friends of many a year. They are older and he explained “I am in bed pretty early…around 9”. Well, it was well after 11 when we left. He was not the tired one. I was. Knowing I had to get up early to do what I am doing. Not only for work, but to maintain my articles and such. But our relationship is a good one and they are well worth it in my book. But I thought, we blew right past his 9PM curfew! Why! Because relationship is important. And when people are energized by relationship and friendship, time slips away.

This morning as I got up some 4 plus hours later I realized, “they were worth it”. They have sown into my life over the nearly 20 years we have been together. But just as important was the idea that I need it as well

Relationship in any life is important. I meet people all the time who tell me they “don’t need it” but I am convinced that God hardwired us for relationship. Not only to connect to Him but to connect with one another.

This morning as I reflected on last night and being together with others I realized that our time at their home was a perspective on relationship.

A couple of things I noticed.

I never heard a cell phone go off because both Tina and I left ours in the vehicle when we go there. Too often, we carry our devices into our meetings immediately indicating in most cases our device connections are more important than the ones in front of us.

There was no music or TV going on in the background. We have become so used to these things that perhaps we do not realize how much they interfere with one another and their relationship.

There are relationships we “bank” on but they are often not at the forefront because of busyness and interruption.

It is time to live this area of life we call community and begin to live it on purpose and work on relationships.

Intuitively, I believe we know this, but it is easy to “forget” and disconnect.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a young mom who is working hard to “get her life together”. She is smart, pretty and adept at the work she does BUT she is lonely. While at work as I watched parents come in, many of them had been crying at their children heading back to school.

I heard this phrase but a moment ago, “disconnected no more”.

What if we gave people our full attention? What if put down devices and communications and focused on the one in the room? What if we rekindled the relationships we know to be important?

I know the world is in an unusual place. That the temptation is to to work more, longer and harder to make ends meet. But when we leave the rest of God and allow anxiety and urgency to take over, what have we gained?

I would ask you to consider that.

Disconnected no more!

Coming to a town near you!

waterwellI had the following dream last night. It took place in a large city. In this city was a Middle Eastern population. As the dream took place, I was aware of the love and care for one another of this community. Continue reading Coming to a town near you!

Accountability Removes The Roughness

leejohndrowteamI don’t know about you but as a child I was pretty wild. Folks that knew me from my childhood most likely are amazed that I actually made it through that time in my life. Certainly it was the God from above who kept me from utter destruction. As a child, I grew up in a small rural neighborhood. With lots of neighbors. Let me tell you that even when my parents weren’t home my neighbors were watching! People looked out for one another. Continue reading Accountability Removes The Roughness

Close Encounters Of The God Kind

preachingatvillageA week or so ago, I wrote on to tactics of the enemy. One was being disconnected. The other was an attack on health. I received a lot of communication from folks indicating that they were encountering one or the other, or sometimes both. The issue is not whether I correctly saw, but what we are going to do with it.

In December of 2005, I had a couple of dreams. They were brought back to me. Continue reading Close Encounters Of The God Kind

People Need People To Grow

leejohndrowteamWithout community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dorothy Height

Last night I was fortunate to be able to celebrate a friend’s birthday at a local restaurant. A few of us gathered together together, surprising her. (Her husband had planned it!) It was amazing. As the conversations moved about the table, the friendships strengthened and the community advanced. Community is formed by relationships. As people’s lives overlap others, the community forms and advances. Continue reading People Need People To Grow

Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

preachingatvillageLast night was a dream night. It was kind of like going to a bunch of different amusement parks. First an island adventure, then to the Middle East and then somewhere in Southeast Asia. Funny, I do not go to bed with those places on my mind for the most part. Occasionally before falling asleep I will pray for a place, but usually I am “programming” for answers, for encounters. So, going places and seeing people is not something I “look” for. Continue reading Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

A NOW God For A NOW Season

leejohndrowteamAs things were moved around the basement, I was struck with the fact that it looked much like my old basement. A short while later I was in the middle of town and I was struck with how beautiful this old town had become. It was like I had just watched time lapse photography of the community coming together. I heard the words “Fantastic Friday” on a sound system some where. I walked around and admired the seemingly impossible beauty of the place. This scripture was on a sign at the road into this community. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Another sign said “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.” (Joel 2:25-26) Continue reading A NOW God For A NOW Season

Time To Stop The Religion Train

can we talkBefore the critics run after me over the use of the word religion, let me bring clarity to the word itself. First James talks about “pure religion” in James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” So, with that said, I believe there is a religion that adds value.

When many of my friends talk about the religious or religion or religiosity we are describing the actions that bring business and not relationship. The following of rules without the knowledge of One who cares for them. Continue reading Time To Stop The Religion Train