Tag Archives: featured

On My Own – Seasons Of Greatness


2014-03-15 11.16.51“Dad, please let me drive the boat,” I asked. I was 8 years old and my parents had a new boat. A 16 foot aluminum boat with a 50 horsepower motor. “Please,” I begged. And then one day my father said “yes.” As soon as he said it, my mom picked her stuff up off the cement platform that the boathouse rolled out on. She told my father he was “crazy.” (She later told me she went up in the woods to pray.) I jumped into the boat, hardly listening to my father’s instructions. The next beach over was a private beach owned by a motel. The people looked over as I climbed into the driver’s seat. Continue reading On My Own – Seasons Of Greatness

April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Last night I had the opportunity of being with some close friends. We talked about supernatural and spiritual things. I was sharing some of the things that many might think “crazy” but only in the church do we spend time “cataloging” sins, experiences, etc.. So many are more concerned with the deception they might encounter that they miss out on the experiences God might produce. I know God. I am not “worried” about being deceived. Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. If it were possible!

Continue reading April Showers Bring May Flowers-Change Is In The Air

Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

preachingatvillageLast night was a dream night. It was kind of like going to a bunch of different amusement parks. First an island adventure, then to the Middle East and then somewhere in Southeast Asia. Funny, I do not go to bed with those places on my mind for the most part. Occasionally before falling asleep I will pray for a place, but usually I am “programming” for answers, for encounters. So, going places and seeing people is not something I “look” for. Continue reading Remembering The Good Old Days-Overtaken!

Dejected? Discouraged? It Is Time To Say “No More”

leejohndrowteamHave you ever been down? Felt dejected or discouraged. And then someone tosses you the scripture about “righteousness, peace and joy” or “why so downcast o’ my soul?” Yep, I sure have been there.

In my earlier life I was severely prone to depression. I was treated medically for depression. I was suicidal at one dark time in my life that ended me up in the hospital for 90 days. The loss, the gun, the whole darkness. I battled suicide for years. Even in the beginning years of my Christianity I was tied to depression and sought the answers in Him while being medicated with a cabinet full of meds. And then one day I said “no more. I have nothing to lose”. I walked away. Continue reading Dejected? Discouraged? It Is Time To Say “No More”

Read The News, Change The World!

leejohndrowteamAs I read the news I see that we are “desperately” in need of change. As I listen to friends I see “how much I could be praying for”. Even in my own life I have “needs” or things that I would desire to be different. At some point I will carry my thinking up the stairs and into my room and spend time with Him. I have already spent some time with Him. He is my rock, my refuge, my peace.

I read on the burning topics of the day; economy, racism, finance and pain. I pray over the articles as I read through. I think like Radio Shack, “you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers”. People have pain, we have answers. I am not talking about platitudes or premises of false hope, but we have Him, the ANSWER! Continue reading Read The News, Change The World!

The Sounds Of Abundance!

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I walked over to the garden. I stared at the flowers. The vegetables. It was amazing! And the vision disappeared.

So lush, so fruitful, so abundant!

As a child, a neighbor was looking for a young person to help on his small farm-ette. I soon became his right hand man, helping him a couple of times a day for a quarter each time. I would go down in the morning and feed the chickens and geese, gather their eggs and check for critters! Once a week I would shovel chicken manure out into a pile for summer growing. I would have to shoosh the geese out because if they got excited in the small coop it could be dangerous. Continue reading The Sounds Of Abundance!

Live For 1,000 Years?

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

I woke up this morning and thought, “I will use the beginnings of what I sketched out for today” but for some reason the task of that thought process is daunting. I looked at it and felt my “energy” level too low to accomplish. Not sure why. Did not stay up very late. My dreams were “rough” but not abnormal. My dreams are still in “ponder” mode.

I thought maybe I would table the thoughts of the last week or so where I have posed some questions I felt needed to be asked of myself as well as perhaps by others, but reading a friend’s post brought a topic near and dear to my heart. So, I will jump off her thoughts. Continue reading Live For 1,000 Years?

The Big Hill…

leejohndrowteamBig Hill

When I was perhaps 3 or 4 years old, my parents bought me a pair of little skis. Perhaps not more than 18 inches long, I would climb up on the snow banks the plows had created. These were probably no more than 8 feet high, but they were icy and after many sit down starts, I was able to manage.

But then one day I eyed the roof our porch and naturally my imagination thought how amazing that would be to travel down. So, one afternoon, I got the ladder out of my dad’s garage and moved it over to the porch. A few close calls as the ladder rocked, but I was able to get up on the roof. Though, it wasn’t a steep pitch, it was more than enough to provide the ride of a life time. As I sailed off into the air, I was excited. Moments later as the wind was knocked out of me and I hurt so bad I could not breathe or cry.

As life rolls on that which is “big” in our eyes becomes smaller with age, maturity and experience. With each step we make our “mountains” smaller, bringing home the idea that we must press on. Continue reading The Big Hill…

Two Sides Of The Coin?

preachingatvillageThere are two sides to every coin (Least as far as I know.) and today was a good example.

A dear friend of mine lost her dad last week. She and her husband asked me to do the “celebration of life” service. It was attended by here family and members of our church family. Even when you know where someone is “going” it forces you to think about the play of things. Continue reading Two Sides Of The Coin?

A NOW God For A NOW Season

leejohndrowteamAs things were moved around the basement, I was struck with the fact that it looked much like my old basement. A short while later I was in the middle of town and I was struck with how beautiful this old town had become. It was like I had just watched time lapse photography of the community coming together. I heard the words “Fantastic Friday” on a sound system some where. I walked around and admired the seemingly impossible beauty of the place. This scripture was on a sign at the road into this community. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Another sign said “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.” (Joel 2:25-26) Continue reading A NOW God For A NOW Season