Grace Keeps You Off The Guardrails

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

The other day, my friend Lynn Hiles was here to speak in our church. Our conversation turned to West Virginia and the upcoming conference. He and I had a short conversation about something that happened while I was in West Virgina last September. While I was down there the Lord spoke something very powerful to my heart.

It was not a word that was spoken or part of a message. Here is what I heard and saw.

I was watching a road. On this road was a car. While they were driving, they were starting to slowly swerve side to side. There was guardrails like any country road. As I watched it started to hit the guardrails. First slowly and then a little faster. After being tossed about, finally the car came to a stop. There were dents and scratches all around the car as the result of the actions of the vehicle. I looked at the vehicle and that was when I heard the sound of the Lord’s voice. Continue reading Grace Keeps You Off The Guardrails

From Disconnect To Reconnect – Community Is In The Air

leejohndrowteamThe process of disconnecting.

Over the last few months I have watched an trend. It is one of two that I have noticed. Both are “negative” trends capitulated by the enemy. The first one I want to address is the “disconnect”.

Disconnecting or the disconnect in its simplest form, means that something is no longer connected. It means to stop or end the supply of something. (We often talk about electricity being disconnected.) So in March I began to see people being disconnected. I thought, “Time to pray” and that is what I did. Continue reading From Disconnect To Reconnect – Community Is In The Air

Just A Garden Variety Kind Of Person

woodchuckAs a child one of my enjoyments was working in a garden. My parents loved to garden and it rubbed off on me. At one point I was working for a handicapped man down the street who taught me how to raise vegetables, strawberries and the like. All summer long he sat in a chair at the edge of the garden and coached me. “Put more manure in the base of that hole!” he would shout across the garden. And during that summer I watched magnificent produce come from that garden. Squash and beans and lettuce and spinach. I was amazed as I recalled the seeds that came out of jars from the past year’s harvest. And the strawberries! I would pick quart upon quart and 25¢ a basket just saying “grow!” so that I would receive more money and more work. It didn’t matter how hot it was. It was just an incredible existence. Each day I would head to his little farm, to feed the chickens, pick up eggs and go pick the first strawberries of the day. Later in the summer I would pick vegetables for hours so that he would sell them. Each fall we would collect the leftovers and he and his wife would gather the seeds for the next year’s plantings. Continue reading Just A Garden Variety Kind Of Person

The Portals Are You – Today Is the Day


Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

Houston-We have liftoff

“If you guys can go to the other side of Houston, I can have you on your way home”, the dispatcher said. Home…we had not been to Vermont for nearly 6 weeks. As we left the truck stop, with the idea of a load going home, everything seemed to be going right. I climbed into the passenger seat and began to rest.

Continue reading The Portals Are You – Today Is the Day

Kaboom! The Impact Of God’s Suddenlies

2014-03-15 11.16.51(Written in 2005, this message was one I have had to contemplate numerous times. )

Kaboom! Everything changed. Quickly.

In life, especially in the church, we talk about the “suddenlies” or that time where everything changes. When it’s good, we call it a “kairos” moment. When it’s bad…well, it is a tragedy. It is not God’s fault.
Continue reading Kaboom! The Impact Of God’s Suddenlies

The Rain Is Here!

preachingatvillageThis morning I was awakened by the very loud sound of rain. Roaring was how it sounded at 4AM. One of the things I like to do is “investigate” the sound. Not just know where it comes from or where it is, but what is on the “inside”. (If I am going to be awake, I am going to be alert!) As I listened for hidden patterns and nuances what I realized was the sound was getting louder because there was almost no differentiation in tempo or tone. It was fast becoming “white noise”. Continue reading The Rain Is Here!

Marcell Has Arrived

leejohndrowteamToday was a day where a new grandson was added to my life. Marcell J. Petit. My daughter Amy gave birth at 7 this morning. All are well.

Funny, my daughter Amy asked me to prophesy over him. As I prayed for him, I felt “not yet”. Something is being added…

His name means “hammer”. I was drawn to this scripture. “Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Continue reading Marcell Has Arrived

My Dad’s Birthday May 15th, 1926

BobJohndrow_PutneyVT_07-1995Today was my dad’s birthday. He would have been 88. 88… What a number! May 15th, 1926.

And on this day of celebration, my oldest daughter is in labor expecting her first child. How ironic. We shall see…

My dad will always be one of my heroes. He wasn’t the best, but he was always mine. I know some might not agree with him and his techniques. (I am still looking for my head…) He was a drunk. But he always loved me. He may never have known how to show it. I am not sure how I would be growing up without a father, finding out in your 40’s someone else was your mother, being in the military and receiving 2 Purple Hearts. Losing foxhole buddies at 17 years old. Just not sure…

So today is your birthday dad and I think you would be proud of me, of your children and your grandchildren. Today is bittersweet for me as I see Amy getting ready to deliver her first child. How much you cared about her and did everything to be her grandfather. (Between Amy and Mandy he was pretty much in love with the grandkids.) He put in a pool and such just so everyone would have a “place”.

I miss my dad. I certainly remember the day of his death. But mostly I remember his life. As you read though my stories, you can see how he taught me baseball, football, basketball and even soccer. He taught me horseshoes and Jarts. He taught me how to build and to fish. To repair motors and bikes. To see the world differently.

Dad-today is your day. Even now tears run down my face as I think about you. I miss you. I think you would be proud of your family.

The Tax Collector’s Church

leejohndrowteamYesterday I wrote on the “first part” of this. Again this piece comes from 2007.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
The Tax Collector’s Church

Many of you know that what began as a “funny” story is percolating and resonating deep in my spirit. Today we discussed it.


Continue reading The Tax Collector’s Church

The World Out There

leejohndrowteamToday while in the work place I was “befriended” by a few people. The irony of it was the people who wanted to talk to me were most likely considered “outcasts”. They reached out to help me. An odd group in all honesty. It caused me to think about my ability to always be around those not churched. In 2007 I wrote the following piece.

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