Category Archives: Lee Johndrow

The Comfort Of The Lord

leejohndrowteamHave you ever struggled with the actions of others? Perhaps it was injustice, neglect or wrongdoing. I understand, but Jesus understands more. Hebrews 4:15 tells us that He went through hurt, pain and rejection and walked through it. The easy response to that statement is “but He was God!” And while that part is true, He left behind His godly attributes to take up earthly life as a man. A man who did not sin that He might be our Savior. A God who could sympathize because He had “been there”. Continue reading The Comfort Of The Lord

Udderstanding – Get Off The Milk!

2014-03-15 11.16.51Many years ago my wife and I were traveling through Toronto. Toronto is a very large city. My wife had the map on her lap and I was driving. As the road turned into 8 lanes, I said “hurry up, I am not sure where we are”. This created instant panic and I had to apologize because I really did know where we were, but was kidding around. Okay, so that was not very nice or funny. (Did I ever tell you…) Continue reading Udderstanding – Get Off The Milk!

When All Else Fails… Love

2014-05-16 18.40.52Last night I had one of those moments. One where fear tries to eat at you. My life was not in danger and there was no threat. It was just something invasive trying to take me off the balance I was maintaining. I can’t always explain those things. But I know this, that most of the time it is like being in the rain. Whether you know the cause or not, you are going to get wet. And so are others. Continue reading When All Else Fails… Love

2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

preachingatvillageWhy even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought “I agree”. “Amen”. “Good for you!” I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the new year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table. Continue reading 2015-A Time Of Romance, A Vision Of Purpose

A Moment Of Silence

leejohndrowteamAs we set upon the precipice of 2014 turning to 2015, there is clearly a lot to be thankful for. While looking ahead I heard a hush. I clearly heard a hush. Not the “hush of Whoville” but a silent deep breath. It was if the world was grabbing air for the very next move. In the process of enjoining silence, I “felt” the depth of the breath and the tension in the air. Like a hunter preparing to shoot, there was an exhale, followed by a pause. (Not everyone shoots like that, but I do for the most part.) Continue reading A Moment Of Silence

A Call To Come In

preachingatvillageI think the words of the church initially may be “come on in”. I am not talking about entering the brick and mortar of a building, but coming into fellowship with God Himself and becoming one of His family. Many who come in simply need to get healed and involved in the process of being made whole, so that they can get back out to the world at hand. Continue reading A Call To Come In

Mastering The Moment

2014-09-21 13.20.19The greatest failure of a person may well be to miss out on “the moment”.

What moment? Well, maybe any moment. Just because it is not fun does not mean it does not have value. I understand that sickness and death are not fun. But, in the midst of those I learned compassion. To exercise grace. (As a believer I do not think either of those “moments” are necessary!) The normal routine is to wriggle out of pain or discomfort. But where are you wriggling to? Sometimes we must incur “pain” to arrive at gain. Continue reading Mastering The Moment

A Dose Of Humility Changes Things

2014-05-16 18.40.52Last night before falling asleep I was thinking about the folks I speak to about Jesus. The folks that I might invite to a church gathering. I found myself rolling with answers and thought process. Perhaps some of it was triggered by a few conversations yesterday. Continue reading A Dose Of Humility Changes Things

Begin To Change The World

preachingatvillageAs I walked through the building, I saw the buttons. 3 out of 4 were still in safety mode, but a fourth was moved to attack mode. I was not sure what to do. I had heard that moving one of these switches after “the fact” could causes the switch to speed up its requirements moving whatever it was connected to into crisis mode. Add to the fact that clearly I would be in trouble for it, I was very concerned. This was more than a small problem. Clearly the endangerment of many was at hand AND I would be in serious trouble. Continue reading Begin To Change The World

Merry Christmas To You!

2013-12-20 17.14.38Today as the gifts are opened and the food is eaten, there is still plenty of magic to go around.

Last night I attended our annual Christmas service and I watched the people come in, I thought what a wonderful time of the year. As I saw the people coming in, I saw the hugs and I saw the laughter. I also saw tears and bewilderment on some. “Why am I here?” “How long does this last?” I wandered around getting to as many as I had a chance, but at some point it gets too much because there are too many. It was beautiful. Continue reading Merry Christmas To You!