Tag Archives: featured

Life – A Spiritual Quest


leejohndrowteamI thought a lot about the blood moon as we drove back from Boston last night. I thought about it through my sleepless night. I thought how far I have come in my journey with Jesus. When I started I was fearful, tired and really at the end of my rope. But the entrance of Jesus into my heart and my life energized me, changed me. Clearly it was less about me and more about Him.

I know what I believe now causes many to say “good bye” but my thinking was changed by Him and not because I woke up one day and said “this will be a great idea”. I think in retrospect I came in by fear and not by faith only to find something, some one I could believe in. Continue reading Life – A Spiritual Quest

I Hear The Sounds Of Abundance

leejohndrowteamI was taking a shower this morning and as the water bounced off the walls they began to get “louder”. I heard the words “the sounds of abundance”. Immediately my mind was turned to the following verses.

1 Kings 18:41 Now Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower.” 42 So Ahab went up to eat and drink. But Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees.… Continue reading I Hear The Sounds Of Abundance

Gifting Does Not Equal Character

leejohndrowteamWhen I was a young child, I wanted to be the man of the house. When my dad traveled he would “leave” me in charge. But you know as well as I do that just because I was “left” in charge, my 6 year old state was not going to harm anyone who would try and enter nor even probably stop them. But I was a “man” in my own eyes.

I see a lot of that. Just because you are chronologically “man age” or even have moments of being a man, being that man requires more than just words. One of those issues is the issue of character. I am not going to devote a lot of time to the word character other than to say this, when I speak of “good” character I am speaking of the traits that emulate God through His spirit. Continue reading Gifting Does Not Equal Character

Sacrificing For The Next Step

leejohndrowteamToo often in life we are faced with a challenge or even a dilemma where change is an option. (Sometimes there are not options and I get that.) The mind begins to construct scenarios and build option lists, etc..

One of the things I grow concerned with is the idea that “sacrifice” or the giving up of something to get something is shelved. I understand that much of the world indicates an easier, softer, self centered way. But for those who walk under the headship of the Lord Jesus, sacrifice or using our faith to change something ought to be the norm and not the occasional, “well, okay. I will do it.” Continue reading Sacrificing For The Next Step

“Growth Is Excessive” Because God Is!

leejohndrowteamI read that headline, “Growth Is Excessive” and thought, is it possible? The story was just as exciting…

In a dream I had it was very dark and yet over where the fence was I saw 4 lights like that you might see on a radar screen. “Lee, you have to go get them” I was told. I did not want to but I finally got up and ran down the darkened path to where these lights were. I got them and returned with them. My heart was pounding.

The lights had been carriers of darkness in the dream. They were targets to be removed. It was time to shut them out. And they were. Continue reading “Growth Is Excessive” Because God Is!

A Seed Planted-Potential At Hand

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

A seed planted

This morning as I was traveling back from Boston, I was caught up in the idea of seeds. I thought about all the things a seed will do and what it can hold or contain. Depending on the seed, it has potential to grow trees and create children and supply food.

One of the most amazing things is that the seed is not representative of what the final product looks like. Unlike an Erector Set or Lincoln Logs or Legos in which you can “tell” where the result is headed, when you see a seed you do not know necessarily if it will be big or tall, green or red or pretty much anything else. Continue reading A Seed Planted-Potential At Hand

Gaining Ground- Seeing The Kingdom In Your Life

leejohndrowteamWhile on a walk I thought about all of those who are seeing their current situation as “all there is” to life. But life is lived from heaven!

That understanding will change your view and your perspective about daily circumstances.

The victory has been given to you. You are “more than an over comer” because He was the over comer! And all that He accomplished was done with you in mind.

Today changes when you become aware of that reality. His reality is more real than yours!


Out Of The North

leejohndrowteamWhile walking down by the river I was watching the where the snow and ice had disappeared from the river and the ponds. So much of the ice was gone on the North side of each area.

As I contemplated it I realized that the winter sun came from the south in much of the season. Because of it’s “lowness” on the horizon it only touched the northerly side of each body of water.

It was then the Lord began to speak to me of a move of God out of the north to touch the most southerly states…

His Order Is Different – Waiting For the Perfect

leejohndrowteamThe Order Of Things

Despite what some consider my “mystical” side or that “lack of connection”, I really struggle with various things that do not come together.

Yesterday I was working on the idea that I had an “interview” on Monday at 9:30. They never called. The day began a spiral on the “to do” list check offs. (When I was in school the “INC” at the top of a page meant “incomplete” and to have one of those was the “end of my world”.) I “live” for the checks on my to do list! Continue reading His Order Is Different – Waiting For the Perfect

The Importance Of Character

leejohndrowteamOne of the greatest hurts sustained in the body of the Christ is that time when someone falls or fails. When one hurts in the body we all hurt. 1 Corinthians 12:26

For some it is that moment when a “Judas” appeared in their life. A trusted person or persons let them down. Judas had a failing or a fall. (I am not talking about a fall from grace for that is simply a return to the law and leaving the understanding of grace.) It is the time where someone walks away or acts in a way that brings pain. Other times it is the recognition of a problem that causes so much pain. Continue reading The Importance Of Character