When I was child my greatest artwork hung at my grandparents and my parents. As life went on new artwork appeared and old art was taken down. The refrigerator door recorded the life of the family. (Which is good because when I was a kid they had some ugly colors. Avocado, burnt orange, chocolate and copper tone!)
And of course like many children, I was asked of the drawing “Is it a cat? A dog?” I am sure like many children I probably shook my head and said “guess again” as they “did not get it.”. As I grew older I probably scrawled what it was on the page. Cat, dog, tree… But at some point my drawing bettered and the questions became fewer. Soon that artwork was replaced with pictures of family outings and sports or perhaps short stories. Continue reading Is It A Cat? A Dog? What Is It?→
Last night I was in a dream. Somewhere deep in the dream, my wife woke me with “What is that? When?” I came out of the dream quickly. I moved into thinking someone was in the house. After assuring myself everything was okay, I went back to bed. (She had already gone back to sleep!)
I did not sleep well after. I looked for the place I was in the dream. I had left part of “me” behind. My last recollections in the dream were moving into a home to help people. It was a war zone. I had a knapsack and it had my “possessions” and they were left behind. In this knapsack were supplies. I know they will use them, but I felt empty. Drained. Continue reading What Does This Mean? Valuing Discernment→
The other day I was sitting here just looking at names on Facebook and I would receive a picture over various ones. I would take some thought and send someone a message about what I saw. I did this with people I did not know and had no “clue” about. It was my way of paying it forward a little.
When you have lots of dreams you often wonder what is for you, what is pizza and what has relevance to others. Last night was a night where I had some 10 dreams. This was after not thinking I had really seen a dream for 2 days. Continue reading Maybe, Just Maybe We Are Readying For A Gold Rush→
Each month I have established the first Sunday of the month for my family to gather. Each person brings food, love and seemingly, more grandkids! For me it was a way to see my children together and to provide a vehicle for them build better relationships with one another. It has worked well. One of the things I do is prepare a soup. I love making soup, because when it is done, it is a little bit of this and a little bit of that and creativity. Yesterday was no different. Continue reading Tis The Season To Season→
Last night as I read about the ongoing stirrings in Ukraine, the position of England and the United States towards Russia right now and a few other skirmishes about the world, I was brought back to a time in my life as a youth. It was the time of the Vietnam War. A brutal time in our country’s history. Polarization, fear and a misunderstanding of so many things.
I began to share some of that time with my grandchildren. My grandson Jordan is beginning to study the war. (Wonder what spin that will get in a public school?) So a conversation began. I was surprised how much “it brought up in me”. Continue reading Who’s Side Are You On?→
Before the critics run after me over the use of the word religion, let me bring clarity to the word itself. First James talks about “pure religion” in James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” So, with that said, I believe there is a religion that adds value.
When many of my friends talk about the religious or religion or religiosity we are describing the actions that bring business and not relationship. The following of rules without the knowledge of One who cares for them. Continue reading Time To Stop The Religion Train→
Like many, my wife and I have entered a different season. It is on many levels one where you question things. New seasons often trigger challenges, thoughts and reveal patterns of thought or new thinking entirely.
One of the questions I have asked my self is “have I not believed.” One topic is employment. In 20 years neither of us has really gone more than a week without something happening in the employment field. Believing for work has never been “hard” but seemed to cause challenges to fall to the wayside. Continue reading Have I Not Believed→
When I was young I might be in the Adirondacks or the Green Mountains hiking and I would come across a “hermit” from time to time. Living in Vermont, I developed friendship with one. He lived off an old dirt path on a road called “Joy Brook Basin”. (Is your alone time making you more joyful?) He did not come into town but a few times a year. He preferred his mountain top living over people. Over the years I have run into a few. Continue reading Being A Hermit Takes Work→
The low flying helicopter was seen far out on the water. The people on the shore were shouting to the men starting the helicopter on the shore, “shut it off! It’s the DEA!” I barely had time to gather my stuff and they were leading me into a warehouse. Everywhere I looked was merchandise. But not drugs from what I could see. Household goods, supplies and such were everywhere.
Once again I found myself in a dream that kept going all night. Be taking here and there I was traveled about in limos and large black town cars. I awoke this morning and let me tell you, I felt like I had been “up” all night. I never remember “waking” up here, but I was awake all the time in the dream. Continue reading Losing Wait Is A Light Thing→