Tag Archives: featured

Seeing Ourselves Rightly

baptizedLast night I found myself in a contemporary temple. All the parts of the “Old Testament” temple were there. Laver, table, showbread and such. I felt an attraction to the laver and seeing myself and others as they looked into the waters.

Some of this is from the dream. Continue reading Seeing Ourselves Rightly

The Process Of Rebuilding

fireworksToday is Valentine’s Day. Over the years my wife and I have had a number of great times together on Valentine’s Day. It is not so much a day “to do something” as it is a reminder on a level of our love for one another. I tend not to be a “day” or event person unless we are talking about birthdays or holidays that involve the family.

But, I should be real when I say we have had to work hard to get where we have got to in our marriage. Aside from the power and love of God in our life, I don’t think we would have made it. There have been a number of times in earlier days where I am pretty sure we did not think we could make it. Continue reading The Process Of Rebuilding

A Lot Of Turmoil

2013-08-22 10.50.40There seems to be a “lot of turmoil” about me. Some of it has even “got hold” of me a little. The dictionary definition is this, “a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion.” A state or condition. That tells you it is not “forever” that there is respite.

Job talked about turmoil. After outlining his woes a little he said this, “There the wicked cease from raging, And there the weary are at rest. “The prisoners are at ease together; They do not hear the voice of the taskmaster. “The small and the great are there, And the slave is free from his master.” (Job 3) Continue reading A Lot Of Turmoil

Changing Your World

In a dream, I found myself on an island helping a friend move off the island. There were all sorts of delays and finally all his belongings were put into a container and readied to leave. And then my job was to get to the airport and get on a plane to return to the US.

The decision was made to wait a few days rather than be pressured in the leaving.

I awoke with a sense of dissatisfaction because I had not left and felt as if something had not been completed. Continue reading Changing Your World

My Influence Is Your Influence

changeI have given lots of thought over the years to influence.

The dictionary defines influence (noun) as the following.


1. The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

2. The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother’s influence made her stay. Continue reading My Influence Is Your Influence

Carpe Diem Seize The Day For It Is Yours

cansThe Blue Lincoln

A lot of times our dreams are considered messages from God.  And I believe you can have dreams that are triggered by food or chemical situations in your body as well as dreams that are you or from demonic realms.

Last night thought I had a dream that convinced me further of how real dreams are and what they can do. Continue reading Carpe Diem Seize The Day For It Is Yours

Process, Well, It Takes Moment

understanding1Do you know how long it takes for a one and a half year old to pick up 35 pieces of puzzle one at a time? I do! A very l-o-n-g time!

My son asked me if I would watch my granddaughter Naomi, while they went to do some errands. After she got done playing with various toys that included putting a scarf over my head and saying “hide Poppa!” laughing as it fell to the floor, she wanted to do a Barney puzzle. (Puzzles I like-Barney not so much.) She ended up much more interested in the “taking the puzzle apart” part than in putting it together. Continue reading Process, Well, It Takes Moment

Encouragement Is What We Offer

What We Offer

threadI want people to move ahead. To get better. To be all they can be. Over time I have seen a lot of great moments where people “get it” and move ahead. I also have seen some disillusionment.

I want to help people. But through many interactions, I have learned the following thing. A lot of people want you to endorse their actions, their decisions, bringing “confirmation” to the direction they want to go. They want you to encourage them. (Ever have a conversation with a person who is going down the wrong path? “I know he/she is not saved…not sober…a drug addict…but I love them!”) Continue reading Encouragement Is What We Offer

Mountains Change Your Perspective

ampersandAs a child nothing excited me more than driving to the Adirondacks, cruising through the mountains and then, there it was…the lake! I had dream about a mountain last night…

“The wind was whistling through the tree tops. The snow was blowing across the meadows. The outcroppings of rock seem to move under the tremendous winds. The sky was gray and angry looking. That is where we lived”, I said. Continue reading Mountains Change Your Perspective

Running On Empty

I wrote an earlier article-this is perhaps its PS or PSS!

While talking to a friend about her situation and what she was going through, I found our discussion steer to this. After going through people “sucking away the life,” I told her the following.

We must learn to “protect ourselves” on some levels. Some may call it boundaries. I understand vulnerability and relationship but what I have seen is what a young mom in my church once said to me.

One day after church she asked to come to my home and talk to me. My wife and I agreed and sometime later she came by.

She said “What do I have to do wrong for you to spend time with me? Everyone else does dumb things and they get your time.” I thought to myself after she explained, that all too much of my time was spent with folks who had no boundaries, continued to do wrong and drained life and time out of me. She on the other hand received no child support, raised her daughter, had a great job, bought a home and put her daughter through school. My time was eaten up by people who “needed me.” It was soon after that that I adopted my 90/10 rule. Instead of devoting 90% of my time to those who stumbled and caused me and others trouble, I would devote the majority of my time to those who were my equal or above.

Romans 8: 5-8 Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored. MSG

Too often we are dealing with the disenfranchised, the discouraged, the disappointed, and most of all the disillusioned. They got there because they had nothing in the tank so to speak.

What I mean by that is so many are trying to do something they have not necessarily been created for. Even Jesus recognized that he would divide up his body and make it five pieces– apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher for the perfecting of the saints. What if you were not created for this? No wonder you are empty! You never had it to give!

So who do we think we are when we say that we are going to do all these things? We use a scripture to justify our efforts but when it works we claim “no faith” and drop out. Philippians 4:13 NLT For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.” Folks-Paul was in prison and he did not get out. What I believe he is saying was this. I can do life with Jesus! I can trust in Christ (and the benefits of his life, death and resurrection) even when I can’t achieve a personal goal. I can fail to achieve my goals and still trust my Savior’s love.” What? You may claim that heretical. Or giving people an out. I am giving them an out. An opportunity to cease from striving and enjoy the wonderfulness and rest of God.

If it is not in you or you have not been created to do something because you were created to do something else, can I just say YAY!

The other leading cause of discouragement I see comes from the emptiness one feels when there is simply nothing in the tank, because you ran out! There is no point in trying to squeeze the pot! Too often it occurs when we have allowed others to drain us. We have allowed others to remove our “life” and the end result is we have nothing in the tank. One of my spiritual dad’s often said “never minister out of the emptiness but only minister from the overflow.”

So as I look at what’s happening in the body of Christ, we are called to call in those that have been disenfranchised, disappointed and disillusioned and not give them something “to do” but to create for them the very “franchise” of goodness, grace and community and not of necessity but of belonging.

As Jackson Brown said in Running On Empty:
I don’t know where I’m running now, I’m just running on
Running on-running on empty
Running on-running blind
Running on-running into the sun
But I’m running behind

My friend Mark wrote this today. “The assignment of disillusionment is 2 disconnect your destiny from divine connections. U can’t see your destiny w/out divine connections”

Please Mr. Custer-I don’t want to die! (Verne Larry) Let’s not battle what is not our battle or as my friend Mark says, “Stay I your lane!”