Tag Archives: prophecy

Deception-Losing Your Destiny In Lies


2014-05-03 13.25.11I wrote this some 10 years ago, but as I was drawn to it last night, I realized it still holds true. Please read it and think about the questions at the end. Continue reading Deception-Losing Your Destiny In Lies

Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

2014-05-16 18.40.52The other day I wrote about the word turnaround and how I saw a top to bottom overturn in so many areas. I saw things changing governmentally, economically. Many had this “first” response. “It’s easy to say what you can not see. Anybody can do that.” I believe everyone can do that, but I do not believe everyone wants to or thinks it right to do so. I am not looking to be justified in the accuracy of a word in the next 10 minutes or 10 days. Continue reading Stop Broadcasting Their Sin…

Past Your Pain Point

leejohndrowteamI thought about something a friend wrote yesterday. He was talking about the difference between a New Testament prophet and an Old Testament one.

Understandably, an Old Testament prophet would pronounce judgment on a nation. A New Testament prophet, however, can not ignore the fact that NOW we’re given a ministry of announcing, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their sins against them…”. “Counting their sins” isn’t prophetic but seeing their destiny IS. Continue reading Past Your Pain Point

Wanting To Hear From The Lord

leejohndrowteamI have been around long enough to have seen a few things in my life. One of the things I do is encourage people to hear from the Lord. To hear from Him directly. How do I know? Everywhere I turn there are dream sites and meetings. I have taught on prophecy and dreams for years.

But there are two observations I have. One is the person who is always looking for an answer from someone. (I personally believe you hear better for you than I do for you!) They are wanting to have someone else do it. I think it interesting that we think enough of a dream or a word to believe it from God but we do not trust that we have the ability to employ discernment or understanding. Wisdom AND revelation ought to walk together Continue reading Wanting To Hear From The Lord

Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

2014-03-15 11.16.51I awoke today feeling a little “disconnected”. I am not sure the cause but something feels different. Even though, as I have for over 20 plus years, awoke with a song running in the background and people on my heart. That part is the same. But I thought about people who are “missing” out on His goodness because of fear. Continue reading Atmospheres Are What you Make Them

Treasure Hunting Can Be Work

leejohndrowteamTonight a dear friend was gracious enough to allow me to go treasure hunting. It had been many years since I took a metal detector out to a field and just walked around. How much different are they than they were 30 years ago. (And thirty years ago you could not tell the difference between a coin and TV dinner tray!)

So armed with one of the latest models of metal detectors and a little instruction, we headed to different parts of the meadow. It was only moments before the tones started indicating metal. First a nail… Continue reading Treasure Hunting Can Be Work

Where Does My Hope Come From?

preachingatvillageToo often in our lives we are confronted with the idea that we don’t count. That what we do does not matter.

The last week I watched yet one more crazy incident affect the lives of neighbors, school children and a community. The issue is not the incident itself but the feeling of hopelessness that has gripped the community. As I read the blogs, the articles, the comments, it is clear that the “insecurity” that has prevailed is increasing rather than decreasing. “Doesn’t God love everyone Lee?” Absolutely! I believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Continue reading Where Does My Hope Come From?

Fathers Day Week Part 3 – Love, Discipline And Affirmation

leejohndrowteamI am a dad. I want the best for my children and my grandchildren and all the generations to come. And as I come up to Fathers Day next week, it is my heart to write on 5 things that I think are important to dads. As I listen to my grandchildren pray for their “dad” to return to their life, I cry inside. I hurt for them. So, if as a dad, I can stop one child from going through that, then I feel it is all worth it.

Continue reading Fathers Day Week Part 3 – Love, Discipline And Affirmation

“Give Me Your Health” The Second Tactic Of The Enemy

leejohndrowteamThe second trend is to destroy your health. The first was found here.)

The last few months I have seen two tactics of the enemy that have been developing and gaining speed. The first I addressed, was the disconnects that were occurring in people. This included busyness, depression and more. At first, I thought it might have been isolated instances, but as I talked to people, more and more people voiced their feelings of “distance”. In the past I have talked about the advent of social networks (Facebook, etc.) as one of the reasons, the stripping away of freedoms and situations that create the disconnect. Continue reading “Give Me Your Health” The Second Tactic Of The Enemy