Category Archives: Teaching

Look Out For The Destiny Breakers


leejohndrowteamAs a prophetic voice, I find that I am often calling out the destiny, the calling and the purpose in people’s lives. I am looking for the gold in the middle of their life. So often that “gold” is buried under the dirt of not understanding the value of their life. “Why would God want me” is a question I often walk into. “How could God use me?”

Often the dirt that needs to be removed has to do with circumstances and people who have left them broken on the “trash pile” of life. Continue reading Look Out For The Destiny Breakers

Show Up, Go Up, Grow Up And Sow Up

leejohndrowteamA few days the Lord revealed a phrase. I thought I was going to share it some place specific. But so far not yet. I even thought I would write about it before now, but that was not the case either. Up early this morn and thinking so we shall see what happens.

Originally I heard “go up, grow up and sow up” I thought and I guess it is important not to blow up or throw up! As I meditated on it and said it out loud I heard different things. In the beginning I thought the “sow up” was to give something tangible “upward” but the more I contemplated it the more I realized it was likely to mean complete something to result in being “all sown up”. Continue reading Show Up, Go Up, Grow Up And Sow Up

Health, Wealth & Happiness, Are They Really True?

2014-03-15 11.17.01When the world speeds up and you want to get off, what do you do? Do you hunker down? Hide? Run away? With every bit of gained “maturity” we find that the “geographical cure” only reveals us at the end of the journey. (Didn’t that happen to Jonah? Nothing new under the sun…) Continue reading Health, Wealth & Happiness, Are They Really True?

The Authority And Power Inside

leejohndrowteamIn my dream last night I was teaching in a school. The students were probably high school age, but the unusual part was each day new students would appear and one from the day before would remain. The fast changing atmosphere was interesting in the meeting of the people. The process of just sharing the same information for a month or so was different and not much of a challenge. At the end of the month I would have a class of “left overs” and the real process of what I was to teach was on. Living in the Kingdom while being in the world and integrating the life of the Kingdom to change the world. Continue reading The Authority And Power Inside

A Day In The Prophecy Rooms

While running our prophecy rooms today, I saw lots of angelic activity. I began to wonder was it the attraction of the worship, the words or the heart sets. I may never know. But it was interesting. A young child has been seeing a rainbow “colored” angel lately. Another child saw a gold one. And I have been seeing red, white and blue ones. Angels. Continue reading A Day In The Prophecy Rooms

Why Do We Serve? Family!

2014-03-15 11.16.51Many have written much more and perhaps considerably better on the topic of serving. Why do we serve? I told my children and my grandchildren, “because we are family”. It is not a chore or a job but a responsibility and an honor to serve one another. We can spiritualize and say it is “because He served us” and throw in all the good scriptures and that is fine, but if you do not see yourself as family it is not going to do anything but be an idol or a millstone about your neck. Continue reading Why Do We Serve? Family!

How Will You Respond? Course Correction

understanding1Over the years I have had many opportunities to watch the power of correction in lives. My own early life was simply an example of a man who had so little trust for others, so much pride for being right that there was little any one could do to help me or bring correction to my life.

Being the news junkie I am I have followed with interest the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and its inability to be found after over a week. I have heard and/or read every theory out there on its disappearance and where it might be. At this point the plane is believed to be in a new area hours away from where first thought. Continue reading How Will You Respond? Course Correction

Maybe, Just Maybe We Are Readying For A Gold Rush

trashWhen you have lots of dreams you often wonder what is for you, what is pizza and what has relevance to others. Last night was a night where I had some 10 dreams. This was after not thinking I had really seen a dream for 2 days. Continue reading Maybe, Just Maybe We Are Readying For A Gold Rush

Prophecy Rooms Room 222

Today our church fellowship offers its second “prophecy rooms”. I think it is funny that it is on February 22nd. Prophetic rooms on 222. Room 222.

How many remember Room 222? Guess if you do, you can tell people you are 29 with perhaps 30 years of experience! I liked that show. It was about a school in California. Continue reading Prophecy Rooms Room 222

Seeing Ourselves Rightly

baptizedLast night I found myself in a contemporary temple. All the parts of the “Old Testament” temple were there. Laver, table, showbread and such. I felt an attraction to the laver and seeing myself and others as they looked into the waters.

Some of this is from the dream. Continue reading Seeing Ourselves Rightly