Tag Archives: light

Can Facebook Change Your Mood? Overcoming!


A few days ago I read an article that “Facebook can change your mood”. I thought about it. People can really change your life. Now before I go any further let me say I do not believe the answer is”run away to a tropical island” though in light of the long winter here in New England, that might not be so bad.

People are important. A long time ago in our church fellowship I paraphrased the Gerber ad, “people are our business, our only business.” So, what is the answer? Leave Facebook? Run away? How about choices of friends? Continue reading Can Facebook Change Your Mood? Overcoming!

I Will Rejoice And Be Glad

It came and it healed me
It came and refreshed me
It came and washed my sins away!
So I will rejoice, I will rejoice,and be glad.
I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad.

In my dream this song was being sung over and over by the worship team where I was. The lines as far as I could see. (Full lyrics at bottom of page.) Continue reading I Will Rejoice And Be Glad

A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders

barbwire(Sounds like the work at the cross.)

Last night I was in a large cafeteria much like the one I was in when I was a child. The large tables folded up to be put to the side. They were big. A group of friends were with me and we were sitting at a table neared the end. The last table had a group of young men perhaps 12-15 years of age. They sat on both sides of the table and the group was perhaps 8 or 9 of them. Continue reading A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders

My Influence Is Your Influence

changeI have given lots of thought over the years to influence.

The dictionary defines influence (noun) as the following.


1. The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.

2. The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother’s influence made her stay. Continue reading My Influence Is Your Influence

Closing The Store

2307 001A Dream  Closing The Store

The men climbed up on ladders yanking lights from the ceiling and making a very loud noise with no care for those about them.

Maybe it was the cake or the pie or all the extra turkey and avocado I had for dinner, but I “slept through” the night. That never happens. So being awakened by a plow truck and not a dream was somewhat unusual. But I had the dream. Continue reading Closing The Store

It Is Time To Do Mighty Exploits!

veldt1252014 Dream

The death squads moved quickly across the veldt. Quietly, other than their shadows no one would have known they were there. They children were huddled up in the corner of the room. Fear was visible on their faces. And then a great light shown in the room.

At first I thought it was a flashlight from one of the men outside, but quickly the light enveloped the room and seemed to dissolve.

The next scene was at a table. The children were laying quietly on the rug in the corner of the room. Looking out the window, I realized we were about 5 kilometers from where we had been just seconds ago. Continue reading It Is Time To Do Mighty Exploits!

The Eyes Have It – Saying What You Are Seeing

jazzDream 1242104

I walked in the jazz store. I expected to find lots of cool jazz CD’s, even old records, but what I found was a very trendy looking store with lots of cheap gifts. There were fake scrimshaw boats and such. Candles that looked like you could purchase them, but under closer scrutiny one could see the order form.

As I walked down the mall stairs another client was commenting on the pretty bags and how the store names looked so beautiful. But there was nothing in the bags!

As I wandered a little it was clear that the “mall” had been made for tourism. Everything seemed beautiful in its brick, wood and glass display and décor. Continue reading The Eyes Have It – Saying What You Are Seeing

Finding The Value Often Gets Rid Of The Zombies

liesI woke up this morning walking around a store. Not just any store but a store that had opened on Christmas Day. The sellers were not very interested.  They had invited me in to help them make some decisions, perhaps even to acquire them.

This was not my first dream of this store or one very similar. Maybe it is how I am wired (Or unwired.) but I like space. I like choice. I like selection. (I have tried selling in niche circumstance but over all I like the broad spectrum approach.)

So here I was in this small store with all these little “nice” pieces but nothing that really excited me. It was pretty. It would look nice in homes or offices. But to me it was chachka.  I walked towards the back and as I got towards the back of the store, I got excited. There was more there! A lot more. I offered to purchase from them and did then I went to the back.

Now these men tried to talk me out of it. That “stuff” back there has not value. They wanted me to look at the glittering glass and beautiful pieces.  (I love glass, but it has to wow me.)

Three stories came to my mind as I thought about this dream.

  1. One was the story of Cinderella and how she was treated. But that all changed. Her value became known and was seen in the eyes of another. (For someone here you have “done it all right” but have not been noticed. But God has His eye on you. Soon you will be the Cinderella story.)
  2. The second was how Samuel approached Jesse to see His sons, directed there by the Lord. Only when he said “do you have another so” did they go retrieve David from the fields. (You have felt that people did not recognize your value or your gift. The key to your coming success is to not be bitter but to be better. Hone your gift and watch.) (Proverbs 18:16)
  3. And the third was the story of the ugly duckling who one day grew into a beautiful swan. (Never judge your life by a day.)

I walked in that back room and it was huge. A long line of chairs and couches and places of rest were visible. My mind spun as I thought how to get people back here. To the place of comfort. The place of rest. The place of quiet. The place hidden from view.

This morning I thought about lost objects. I have misplaced keys and wallets and such. People always ask “where was the last place you saw it?” Most likely if I knew that I would know where it is! And then I thought people are running around, looking for an old man that was killed on a cross with a Savior who made you His “carbon copy.” He put His nature in you!

So stop looking for the dead!

And once we get beyond all the chachka, the stuff that may have value but is really just window dressing we come to the true meaning of “being in Him.” His rest! His place of intimacy and love.

All the things that so many have embraced as God have just made it hard for those who have not “looked” like that.

The intrinsic value of a person is not found in the externals but what is on the inside. (And yet from the place on the inside comes that which is His expression through you to the outside.)

I suggested to someone the other day that maybe they consider being a model. Immediately I was given all the reasons that they could not do that. Most had to do with their evaluation of what is real. When our “inside” is understood and accepted the outside is just an external view of the goodness inside. (By the way-she is a beautiful young lady.)

In the store the men thought work hard, keep it “looking” good and keep it small. I walked in and I saw rest, expanse and intimacy. (In one of my jewelry stores I ran ads that poo-pooed the glass cases that kept people from the touch and feel of the jewelry.) God wants to be seen, touched, enjoyed.

zombiesWe have made churches that remind me of mortuaries. People who act like zombies. And families that walk around like the Stepford wives.

Real church sometimes is real messy because it involves real people.

So this holiday season He bids you, “come unto me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Are You Salt & Light? Or Are You Dull and Dark…

Don’t lose your vision.

This morning as I looked out my window the sun was shining, illuminating the foliage, bringing fire to the trees and their leaves.

I thought, “Lord, what do you have for me?”

I saw a few things.

I saw tanks pulling in across the horizon. The Lord showed me there was an all out attack on grace and it’s ability to change people…and to leave it alone. That He had it. Personally, I pretty much gave up being a grace policeman in the kingdom a while ago. People attack me and friends of mine. I saw the tanks go after people and men hunting the “perpetrators” of the message. Continue reading Are You Salt & Light? Or Are You Dull and Dark…